Thursday, September 13, 2012

an odd day of rest

Prelims have begun and so far it's really iffy, I'm not entirely sure how I'll do but I guess I just have to remember to leave it to God and let Him decide what to do with my grades. I wasn't feeling all too well this morning when I had to take my math paper but it went as well as any other paper so thank goodness for that. 

Today was an odd day where I didn't feel any desire to do work and kick start make myself productive for my chemistry paper on friday. I'm probably taking it for granted a little that I have a free day tomorrow to study and yet I feel no regret at how I spent my day. I read a little bit of literature and more importantly I read a letter from my favourite girl (hi j) and it strikes me how once in a while you meet amazing people completely by chance and they change your lives. Our world, this universe is ruled by randomness and in this randomness comes beauty and perfection. Our lives are perfect plans that coincidentally bump themselves into being, falling in place as we go along, seemingly by chance yet completely unaccidental.

But today was a perfect day, it was restful and relaxing and I like how I was not at all bothered. I touched the piano for the first time in the longest time and I stink at it now my fingers are so rusty and stiff :( 

I should probably be getting to sleep now, I remember now (after being away from the computer for so long) how the internet especially on the computer is so alluring and easy to use and hence addictive it's going to keep me from my bed oh no.

Tomorrow will be a fruitful day and I will pull up my grades for every paper!!!!!!!!!!

good night xoxo

Monday, July 2, 2012

Dream Home

I am finally bored enough and free enough to blog about something that I've been wanting to for a bit now, and that is my obsession with creating lists! I don't really know what to call it actually, it's not so much as checklists as taking notes and snippets of stuff I see online and cataloguing it for my own daydream-y purposes.

Okay I think I'm being confusing, let me explain. I like using Evernote to create random notebooks where I can collate all the random ideas I have and save pictures and make comments on the posts that I make. So I've done this for our concert costuming ideas, random purchases I've made, birthday wishlists or wishlists in general, manicure ideas, clothes I'd like to buy... but predominantly it is posts and posts on furniture and my dream home.

I was mostly inspired to blog about this because we were visiting homes today (like homes for sale) and I was struck by how incredibly expensive all the houses are and how impossible it seems to buy and own a decent (okay so I have pretty high standards for decent) lovely home in Singapore. I can easily say that earning enough money to buy a lovely home to live in is one of the strongest motivations I have for doing well in school (even though it doesn't seem like it because I'm spending my time blogging right now hahaha but hey, exams just ended last week) 

I'm not really a video kind of person (that is to say I don't really prefer watching videos but not that I do not watch videos at all), I like reading articles and looking at photos on 

  • tumblr
  • uhh some other sites I can't remember
  • oh and men's health hahahahahhahaha don't judge
because I read them on flipboard, which has the most amazing layout ever to read and view stuff. It's super beautiful. Here is a video to show you what flipboard is:

flipboard is how I end up sleeping at 2am when I plan to sleep at like... 10pm

I also get distracted on instagram, a recent addiction but @.@ so worth it (follow me @jodyhong hehe) 

So anyway some time ago I added these random home decor and interior design feeds onto my flipboard and oooooh I realised that I would really love to own and decorate my own home in the future that is super cosy and shit. and I have notebooks on my evernote which catalogue (but it is not exhaustive because I am not always hardworking enough to save the images hehe) pretty homes and ideas. and I would like to share them here today!

So some things I would definitely love to have in my dream home are:

1. Daybeds and Swings (or daybed swings rather)

I think wanting a daybed-swing would necessarily mean that I need a lot of space in the house because this will not be my bed this will be my day bed. hahaha. Anyway, that first picture of the swing/daybed is my idea of extremememememely comfortable and perfect for a lazy day at home. to read or to play games on. yum. 

Having the daybed in or outdoors does not matter to me, actually, because I think outdoors might actually be a little inconvenient and perhaps a little dirtier. I don't think I will be a very hardworking diligent home cleaner so indoors is better... definitely. besides, outside is only better if there's a lovely view or a lovely wind.

On a random note, this is also a sofa I would like to have hahaha

2. Funky Furniture

Not entirely sure how everything will be able to work out because there are such amazing random things that I'd like to incorporate into my home but here is one coffee table I would love to have. 


I can't find the video that came along about this video but those little cupboards can be hidden into the depths of the table. here's some random site talking about the table. 

And the following is a screenshot I took from my iPad sometime ago. I actually find the entire setting of the second picture very lovely even though the focus is on the ballerina table.

3. Bookshelves

Now, I realise that bookshelves should go under funky furniture but... I don't care. I'm not really sure how I want my bookshelf to be like but I just know that it's imperative to have one. I've seen curved bookshelves that go around a wall, or incredibly innovative designs like this:

but I haven't decided what kind of bookshelf so... here's a list from Freshome. And oh wow, THIS:



Apart from the photos that I do have, I figure I might as well start fantasizing about a lovely home with infinite space here before I end off. 

I'd like a place with a lot of space, definitely, and a balcony. I'm not entirely sure how large the balcony should be, but it should exist; and it should be windy. 

I'd like a living room with a large television and DVD player. Cable TV is not necessary because I honestly do not watch television shows (at all, I can safely say) so I wouldn't need it. A DVD player is necessary though. very necessary. There would be a space in front of the TV for games like wii and maybe a kinect for dance central, but honestly I do not play those games either. I would actually connect my age-old Nintento 64 to it and play pokemon stadium (provided my sister allows me to steal it, but I'll figure that out when the time comes. my sister would of course be invited to join me in my awesome living room)

this is our real nintendo 64 with our never-gets-boring Pokémon Stadium :')

Nearby, there would be a cupboard where I store my favourite boardgames like Monopoly, Game of Life, Saboteur and Twister, etc. and there should be a space somewhere in the house that can permit the playing of these games. 

Now, I'm not really a cook or even close to one, but I figure I'll learn in time to come. But I know that the kind of kitchen I'd like would be the sort with an island in the centre, like this:

the island is that huge table in the centre, I find it very nice. This kitchen was just found on google I was just trying to illustrate the island hahaha.

Ooh, I'd also like ceiling to floor glass windows around the house, to let a lot of light in, because natural light is the best sort of light. Speaking of floors, I'd like either parquet or marble floors (are those the only kind?) and one room (at least) that is entirely carpeted hehe. with the furry soft kind of carpet that you could bury your face in. Only you wouldn't because that is extremely unhygienic and dubious. but would be comfortable for your butt, y'know. 

kind of like the carpet in this photo but maybe not in such a sad colour

Hmm... what else? 

I like wallpaper actually. and I like those homes with one wall wallpapered because I really think it adds colour and detail to homes and I'm not really the artistic sort so.. 

(I just found this list of white wallpapers that look pretty cool but they're not my sort but I thought I'd share it anyway)

Or maybe just really bold colours because I've seen a super lot of photos of homes with brrrriiiiilliant colour that just sounds impossible to get bored in. like this one (to see the full article click here):

That's all I can think of actually, because mostly I've been screenshooting random homes all over the world that are impossible to own but very possible to look at and admire. So I'll end off by posting them here hahaha

Sigh. lots of work to do before I can even come close to living in a home half that size hahaha but yes this is my motivation. A levels let's go.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Oh yes please

Did no one else notice how amazing it felt to sleep in this morning while the rain was pouring hard and fast and loud with the thunder roaring as if the whole earth was being shaken to its core?

Of course, all that amazing comfort was destroyed in moments just by the thought, the act of going to school. Luckily enough my mondays are pretty nice. and I ended at 11.30am this morning :> Unfortunately, I also realised that having too much free time on your hands breeds lethargy - something I unfortunately experienced myself while googling costume designs for our concert..

It started out as a bad afternoon but quickly it became absolutely wonderful as we started learning our batch choreography (by Jolene!) for the concert finale. I really really love our item and think that it's the most amazing shit in the world. It's so fun and I think we learned it at a fast but comfortable pace because we are all batchmates and there is little to no stress~

So everytime I'm being overwhelmed with the stress of not being able to complete learning all the choreographies etc etc, and just being too damn afraid of the concert drawing nearer, it's times like today that get me hyped up all over again. I'm so so so so so psyched and ready to take on the world.

Therefore, I must finish my tutorials tomorrow. That is all.


omg they're such tiny images but they're actually quite high quality walao. i already took super long to upload this and i'm super tired so maybe i'll reupload them tomorrow!


A little push

My sister told me I should blog so I thought I would.

Today, I was watching these hair tutorials by LetsMakeItUp1 on youtube and I think her hairdo tutorials are very amazing hahaha because she always makes all the complicated hairstyles look damn easy. I tried re-creating the pretty little liar's hannah braided down-do but kind of failed cos I ended up braiding exactly what I always braid on my sister's hair when I feel like it... BUT IT TURNED OUT V PRETTY and she took a nice photo of it so here's the photo:

I think it looks super pretty and I think my sister has absolutely beautiful hair. It's super thick and healthy and I wish I could have hair like that so I can do shit with my hair too. Or I just wish I could detach my head/hair so I can do all this funky hairstyling without the arm-aches that come along with doing your own hair (ew no I take that back that's a disgusting sentiment)

Anyway, that above photo was edited with instagram.

I just discovered that instagram was a social networking thing too. I honestly did not realise that hahaha but now I realise I have some photos up too and and it's quite cool imho.

I also discovered evernote and I'm having a ball of a time archiving random shit like dream house designs and clothing designs and costume designs all on my new ipad and iphone and laptop (i am such a techno loser). and when I say archive I don't mean come up with designs I just mean saving photos from all over the place into little notebooks that synchronize across my different devices. it's just fun okay!!!

Like okay, I saved a photo of this sweater because I'd really really like to own it but I'm not quite sure whether I trust buying online goods or not but isn't it just absolutely gorgeous! I have a bias towards baggy clothing that makes me feel like I'm permanently draped in a large blanket and furthermore I imagine this would also make me feel like I am being clothed in outer space. So yes, I would like to buy this. Ah, heck I'm going to order it now.

no, on second thought I'll just wait a while longer and let this longing sit for a few good days.

In other news, my CT results are coming back and they are not good at all. I feel as if I should be a little more disappointed but one part of me knows I kind of deserve it anyway because my studying was infinitely halfhearted and definitely not determined nor focused at all. This should be a good wakeup call but I'm taking it so painlessly and I think that's bad...


and it's no good that I'm discovering so many wonderful things on the internet. like online shopping (ya ok I'm very outdated ok. i took v long to trust online shopping hahaha) and and gmarket and scramble (omg) and food too.

ok that is all there's still school tomorrow I need to get back in the mood man it's already 1:08am. and it's a short week yay!

good night world.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Why can't I

just do this all the time. hahaha.

However, ladies and gentlemen, I am very proud to say that I finally managed to finish my literature assignment and just submitted it via email. Technically I already wrote half of it the last time I blogged but for some reason I was convinced sleep was more important. I wonderwhy...

ohya cos it is.

no la, I actually think such thinking on my part is extremely dangerous and self-destructive and I should try to get back into mugger mode. BUT IT'S SO HARD. I have no recollection of me ever being hardworking or willing to study... :(

I'd really rather be doing a lot of other things like 1) going out 2) shopping 3) eating 4) dancing 5) singing 6) sleeping

in fact, that is the order in which I would like to do everything, everyday.

A few days back I some bad stomachache, and I have no idea what caused it but I do have a good idea of what might have led to it. I dunno how or why but my appetite increased by like 3 times or something and I kept stuffing myself with food haha (there were a number of family dinners I think) and my increased appetite led to a lot of snacking and overstuffing and fullness which then led to stomachache for 2 days and uhh diarrhoea and discomfort and now my appetite is very tiny....

so anyway, my plan today was actually to finish my literature assignment and math assignment but I'm not on my way to being done with either (actually, half my math is done but based on trend data I'd say I'm only submitting it late tomorrow or on Monday hahaha). I feel like making random covers with our condenser microphone and I just rewatched an old video of me singing on facebook (it's private haha). The microphone quality is terrible and my singing sounds a bit painful when I hit the high notes ew cos the sound's so bad.

In other news, I'm very excited for our dance production on 4,5 May 2012!!! it's called AnyBody Can Dance and and we've been preparing super duper hard for it. That is all I'm going to say I guess because I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise.

just a random photo that I thought was nice and embodied just about everything I'd like to do with my life

I think after I'm done with this post I'm just going to take a shower and sleep instead of trying to do anything because honestly my mind is a blank and a blur

and I don't want to think anymore so...


Monday, February 13, 2012

It's been awhile!!

In just two months it feels like so much has happened in 2012. Just listing off the top of my head:
1. Orientation!
2. Chinese New Year
3. Dance, dance, dance
(o look, OCD hahaha)
and soon there will be
1. Auditions for new J1s
2. CTs!!!

As usual I am blogging because I'm trying to escape from writing my essay again (Mrs Lim, in case you ever chance upon this, you WILL receive the essay). But recently I feel like that's my favourite course of action...

I think that I've been very behind on work ever since orientation and I'm not sure how I was ever hardworking last year. I do remember being extremely organised and conscientious in my studies last year but it's so... last year. HAHA like literally. I need to organize my notes and everything and I need to catch up on my choreography in dance and and and....

sigh I'm so out of it.

For a moment I wanted to post pictures of everything that's been going on but but lazy.

Lazy should be my middle name.

Today and yesterday I have had a bad digestive system and I have been feeling unwell.
I have been stuffing myself with a LOT of food........

this is so disjointed I'm going to end it now.

happy valentine's day everybody!!