Tuesday, January 23, 2007


There are actually people who constantly update their blog. I'm impressed. haha.

I'm actually posting this post during school hours lol. before computer studies class starts.. The teacher doesn't really care, I bet. I mean, she uses MSN while teaching us! haha! so slack ah? funny funny.

So.. what do I write? I used to be able to write millions and millions of words nonstop. Now, I can't even think of what I should say. =.="

Everyone's blogging now so I guess I'm just doing what they're doing. Otherwise, I wouldn't even touch this blog for the next 10 months hehe..

There's FRENCH later.

I wonder what we'll learn.. the teacher (Madame Teo) moves so damn fast I just don't get what she's saying sometimes. Irritating, really.

Squash tryouts yesterday. It went quite okay.. but results aren't out yet, dammit. -.-" I want the results !~!

I'm just throwing random bits of information here and there. stupid, really.. -.-"

lessons are starting I think .. Everyone's here. =D

p.s: I don't know what I'm saying half the time so don't blame me if I sound totally retarded.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Oh, it's been so long since I posted...

School's started for 3 weeks and there's been so much going on!Like I've found good friends, not so good friends, and a few people I don't exactly like.

I miss CCPS, I miss my friends, I miss being silly, I miss not worrying about being booked. I miss being a primary school girl. I miss Mrs Lee, I miss Mdm Beh =(

Okay, enough with this . SADNESS ! (moving on to happy stuff...)

I made FRIENDS ! =D 105 rocks, hehee. we're a happy class. The classroom is one of the most, erm, interesting in the school I reckon. It has broken door handles and falling fans =D hahaa..

I got into the GUITAR ENSEMBLE ! =D with absolutely no experience! lol ~