Monday, July 26, 2010

What I really want to be doing

Once again, I find myself doing everything but what I should be doing. Except right now, I can't think of what I should be doing. Of course, there's my social studies PT to do, but there's time.

I just want to waste my days away and be beautiful.

Last night, I was thinking, what am I doing wasting the days I have to not-be in school uniform wearing t-shirts and shorts and looking so boring (alright, to be fair I do not wear t-shirtsanymore because they bore me) when I should be grabbing every bloody chance to dress up and looking insane just because I can?

I could be shocking the neighbourhood and the congregation (haha, in church) with my dressing, and I don't even need to be trashy or prostitutey! I only get 2 days every week. Iwantto while away my time while reading good books or watching DVDs that are NC16 just because I can; but I want to do this with all my friends so if I quit school I'm taking them all with me.

Hi Jean, Jacob, Julia. We quit school k.

On top of that I've got a camera and I haven't done much with it (okay, maybe I have) but I could be doing so much and bringing so much pretty to the world. I also want to make beautiful music or just listening and appreciating good music.

this sums it up pretty well.

On another note, I enjoy hanging out with my family very much. We are very funky people.

this is my sister singing to herself

this is my mother

this is clarinda, zhu's favourite girlfriend

this is louisa, my other cousin

and this is boy boy and my fat ass.

and this is me in a sweater in 34 degrees celsius weather

Time for dinner.


  1. OH MY GOSH, jie!!! i look so bad in that picture :(

  2. Nice headphone face!^_^~ And nice post=)

    I always dream about being a singer one day singing on the stage and having the celeb life..But come to think of it, I just want a simple life, where I can have freedom and fun with friends, earning lots of money to enjoy the luxury stuff and just enjoying life=) But how I earn that large amount of money........I still don't know T_T

    And jo! You look CUTE in that pic!^___^~
