I've had these back pains for quite awhile now so I really don't know who or what I should blame, now that my back is in SO MUCH PAIN I CAN'T BEND IT.
and really, what am I doing sitting here at the laptop typing a blog post when I should really be going down to a clinic to get myself checked up (haha I was going to say checked out.) but the thing is it reallllly hurts, what's wrong with me? and I can't even place what could've given me this much pain because this time round it was really sudden and out-of-nowhere. My back started hurting in the middle of my visit to my primary school during its open house. and even then it didn't hurt this much, but this morning... bleh I'm going in circles.
(I really want to do this blogging thing regularly again, so I can look back in another 4 years and read and go wow look how I have grown haha, it's amazing.)
SPEAKING OF CHANGE (yes I was talking about change)
you know I went back to look at my facebook pictures and I swear my face has changed since I was in sec 1, which is natural, I guess. but WATCHING MYSELF CHANGE IS SO WEIRD. the funny thing is, my face face hasn't changed much but I look a lot older now and I get why people say I look old even though I'm sure they don't know why themselves... this is such a rant. but it's true! and so so strange...
is it good to look older?
naw. not really older. more like, more mature.