It's been lightyears since I last blogged, so let me tell you about recent happenings.
We went to Chinatown today, in my opinion I found it extremely boring . I'm sorry, but it's true. We happened to get the same tour guide as last year's when we went to Little India, how much of a coincidence is that?
I believe I'm becoming quite a big eater. When we were at Chinatown, all I could spend my $20 on was... food food food! I can't believe it! I'm getting fat!.. Chinese New Year... Die die die. I'm gonna get FAT just before chinese new year.. *wah!!*
okok. enough of that. another thing i've been up to is something more fun than touring around singapore. Claudia and I have been working on a dance performance for the CNY celebrations. We'll be dancing to "Ai de zhu da ge" by Elva! =D yay!!! It rocks, but it's difficult and I really think the first part looks like we're line dancing. =.=" On the day, the CNY celebrations day, I'll be the emcee along with Priti.. yay me again! =D What else.... oh yeah!!!
see that? that BIG photo there? thats my new handphone! the Nokia 7370! It's a limited edition with a 1.3 megapixel camera. (It's okay if you're jealous.. I would be too! hehe) the La'more Series I think... =D Well........ the guilty thing about this post is .. well.. well... because... I can use this blog as my schoold's journal and just tick it off for every entry as a journal entry! Three cheers for me! Yay! Yay! Yay! Of course... I love this blog too as it is my longest lasting blog and I shall let it "wan sui wan sui wan wan sui" ahahha. for as long as I live.. that is. yay..... Zzz..
xoxo byebye!!!
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