Sunday, January 29, 2006

The dance rocked.

The emcee-ing stank.

Thats all I'm going to comment on CNY celebrations. =D


My granny and I went for some last minute shopping and came back in time for the reunion dinner! We took a bus to Toa Payoh and took another bus (142) to Potong Pasir and an MRT to Seng Kang (Compass Point). Don't ask me why we took the longer route because I don't even know why myself... =x

I bought a packet of ear-stiks at $1.
A beautiful bracelet with leaves around it at $3.40.
A necklace with a helicopter thingie pendant (claimed to be made of glass and crystals?) at $12.
And a nice vintage looking ring at $7.55.

I am ready for CNY! XD

In maple story I collected about 25-30 hong baos and got filthy rich when I sold my blue starlight at 240k . If you don't understand then ignore this, you propbably don't play maplestory. XD

We had steamboat for our reunion dinner (as we do every year) . With abalone and Meatballs and ... food! No fish glue.. boo hoo. yes, i'm a sucker for fish glue. Leveled up twice in 2 days.. yes. Things seem to be looking up! =D

Today we spent most of our time in the Old Folks Home in Katong area to visit my Great Grandmother. Oh, she was at our reunion dinner last night. I didn't mention that. hehe... I collected lots of hong baos and I am richer by at least $100. I feel richer too! Yay me!!! I bet I'm beaming with pride. =D I haven't counted my hong bao money, have you?

What else.... oh! My mother's cousin has moved into this humungo 3-storey bungalow with glass staircases and a roof garden bigger than my room! *pouts* I also won some blackjack games and snap games. *hip hip hooray!*..

OH, and I have also relinked Learning's blog URL and changed front page picture.. if you haven't already noticed. =D byebye!!

P.S: If you wanna email me.. Send the emails to . ^___________^"

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