Friday, August 11, 2006

I hate hypocrites...

You know what sarcasm is? The definition of sarcasm according to WordWeb is Witty language used to convey insults or scorn.

Well, you haven't heard sarcasm if you haven't met Mz Chinmaya. YES ! a TEACHER. a freakin TEACHER!!! ...

I am furious.. I don't have edusave yet I forked out $50/- to take part in this course that guarantees you improvement in English and Science. Sure... the science is alright but the English they teach is bloody hell my Primary 2 standard! So, Primary 6 Charity went to complain about it to our form teacher... Wait. Let's hold it awhile... let's talk about hypocrites .

So, the definition of a hypocrite is A person who professes beliefs and opinions that he does not hold.

Lets see....

"Who said we haven't done compositions? We have done 2! (in 6 lessons)" said Mz Chinmaya.

"Oh, you see, we were expecting a composition a week from your programme etc..." Mrs Lee says.

Then after the little excerpt of their conversation I overheard, Mz Chinmaya walked into class with a very angry expression. She greeted us and then she said,

"Who belongs to Mrs Lee's class?"

Most of us raised our hands and then she started yakking away about how we were not paying attention in class and stuff. I think I know why , cuz I don't want to relive my lower primary days! I'm writing my 400-500 word compositions and she's asking us to write 120 and above compositions!!! what the hell!!!

anyway ... i won't talk about this anymore.. some of the students in that class are also really irritating.. sucking up to the teacher all the time. I never liked her.... =x .


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