Thursday, April 13, 2006

Today was such a long day... we had choir practice from 11 am and me, being the extremely forgetful person that I am, forgot that we didn't have PE... =x I wore the pe t-shirt inside my blouse and had to walk about the whole day while double layers of clothing... explaining why I was sweating although I didn't do anything tiring...

Anyway I was thinking about a few days ago, Miss Lim (our choir instructor) asked us to close our eyes and imagine hills... a lake... a cloud and a LONG ROW of daffodils.. seriously, I could imagine it vividly.. and it was beautiful! I really wanted to draw it out.. and I did. but being the horrible artist i was... it turned out like....


Of course, it is pretty cute in a cartoony sorta way no? Anyway.. if my handwriting is too messy then i'm sorry, but i actually quoted the song in my picture lols! "I wandered lonely as a cloud, over vales(valleys) and hills, when all at once I saw a crowd, a host of golden daffodils..." and "the waves beside them danced but they outdid the sparkling waves in GLEE" hahaa =x i'm feeling so lame again! Happens often when I'm bored... get used to it *beams*

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