Sunday, April 30, 2006
1. YanTing
2. Alissa
3. Vanessa
4. Claudia
5. Nicole
6. Audrey
7. Lydia
8. Irene
9. Mrs Lee (yes... my teacher)
10. Mui **ee.. almost forgot
11. Mei Yan
12. Marcus
13. Kit Kit
14. Zhu Zhu
15. Yvonne
16. PeiZhen
17. BiBi
18. Jian Wen
19. Gideon
20.You Jin
(eh. the last three are like a package... hahahaha)
the five people:YanTing, Alissa, Claudia, Nicole and Bibi!
the QUESTIONS: did u meet 14?
Please la... WE ARE RELATED.
2.what would you do if u never meet 1?
Can't really imagine that.... hmm. I wuden be so full of jealousy! =D
3.what will you do if 20 and 9 dated?
MY TEACHER AND YOU JIN? ????? PLEASE .. that is SO wrong..
4.Have you ever liked 19?
HELL NO... never have never will.. heh
5.would 6 and 17 make a good couple?
Audrey and Bibi... hard to answer...
6.describe 3.
LAMER... hehe u think 20 is attractive?
eh. would i be insulting him if i said no?... hahahhaa.
8.tell me something about 7.
She likes playing with hair... =) you know any of 7's family?
sort of...
10.what is 17's favourite?
Huang Zhu Ge Ge! hahaha
11.what will you do if 18 just confessed he/she likes you?
*faint* become mute. for once in my life. it's impossible wahahhahaha!!!!!
12.what language does 15 speaks?
Singlish, English, Chinese.... and maybe just a teeny weeny bit of advertisement.. haha
13.who is 9 going out with?
She's 11+ haha. turning 12 on June 28
15.when is the last time you talked to 17?
Yesterday in school if i'm not wrong.....
16.what is 2's favourite band/singer?
Eh. She doesn't have one.. at least thats what I think. She listens to 98.7FM.. hurhur
17.would you ever date 15?
Sorry Yvonne.. You're fun and all.. but I'M NOT LESBIAN
18.would you ever date 7?
I REPEAT: I am not lesbian 6 single?
Yeah. But she has a whole buncha "kor"s (just typing it makes me shiver)
20.what is 10's last name?
Tiffany CHAN wing san... =)
21.would you ever be in a serious relationship with 11?
My neighbour... my lovely sweet younger than me by one age GIRL neighbour... HOW MANY TIMES MUST I TELL YOU I AM NOT LESBIAN BEFORE YOU BELIEVE ME?
22.what school does 3 goes to?
Dunno leh! hehee. i forgot...
23.where does 6 live?
next to our school ... thats why she gets to wake up at 7 when school starts at 7.10.... **grr....
24.what is your fav thing about 5?
countless.. she's so sweet! hehee
25.have you seen no.1 naked?
ehm... maybe? hahahhaha!!!!!
26. What do you hate about no.12?
ehh. teeny weeny bit irritating at times...
27.Who are u most afraid of?
Definitely No. 9
28. Who do you want to be for one day?
16!!! I wanna see how her brain works...
29.Who are you most envious of?
NUMBER 1. bloody rich.
30.Who is the hottest?
ME! DUH... okok. let's see.... CLAUDIA!!!!!!
- T H E . E N D -
1) I like to type.. and people on MSN do not neccessarily like to hear me talking to them.
2) I want a place to record my thoughts. and I want people to see my good english heheee. (kdding about the second part) **oh and it's not supposed to be a diary... blah- my diary gets read anyway...
3) I love myself and all my pictures. even the ugly ones..they deserve some limelight. heheee =) **no I am not self-obsessed, stupid!
blah. today... I went to Church... played games... watched cartoons. (thanks irene! hehe. i LOVE IT) and went to gwc... and BOUGHT THINGS hheh. WARNING!!! CLOSE YOUR EYES IF YOU'RE ALLERGIC TO NICE HAIR... heheee.

I just realized... I'm speaking like........ Alot of people are reading this. HECK. thats how I write...
Friday, April 28, 2006
tomorrow... we'll be having oral... tomorrow... we'll be having oral... AHH!!!!!!!! It's not really English i'm worried about (it's not that i don't worry about it...) but CHINESE!!! =x it's REALLY scary. don't know about you people la... haha
anyway. i'm a happy person. i saw a rainbow. all happy people see rainbows. =)

*just click on the pic to download* we're all happy people now! We've all seen the rainbow. hehe.
good luck to all the people having exams.
p.s: May the force be with youu!
P.P.S: it's an inside joke la. don't get it then forget it. =D
Wednesday, April 26, 2006

right. before it boils. so icky looking hor?........

ah... now thats more like it. hehee.. FOOD!!!!!

yupyup. thats MY bowl. first serving only leh. hahaa!!!

would you look at that? in goes the prawns!!! =) byebye prawns... you're off to my digestive system *evil cackle* ...
after that picture I was so caught up with eating that I didn't take any more pictures of food. hahaa... but I did take some family photos and took photos of my cousin taking photos of me taking photos of her. hehee... =) no typo there!

there we go. now our family pictures! =D

I know I am ugly. you DO NOT rub it in like that hahaa.. =x ... last of my pictures... they provided us with a handy KNIFE to cut the cake. i loved it. it was so fun... it had buttons on the handle for birthdays, engagement, graduation and parties. SO CUTE CAN? hehee. zhu zhu took a picture of me holding the knife. i looked like... =x anyway. I realised why my mom was scolding me.. hee.
oh goodness. I lost the picture. hehee. =/ doesn't matter. *beams and runs off*
Thursday, April 20, 2006
here we are:

GROSS right? bleah . taken by Sabrina at the school gates. =x

Taken by Yanting at the swimming pool side. =) silly me... OH! I forgot to mention that with every silly picture of ME is posted. there will be ANOTHER of someone else =x *evil cackle*

I warned you!!! but you just didn't listen ... toodlee-loo everyone! =)
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
- play crazy slap each other game.
- kicking each other in the canteen (under the tables)
- wetting our hands and stamping our handprints on the back of each other's pinafores. =D
what a lovely bunch, you must be thinking. hahahhahaa!!!
anyway, I was looking through the pictures that I took at Chermaine's party and well, I noticed a picture taken of peizhen.........

AH! now theres something to think about! =)) tata everyone!
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
As I was saying... I love people who see no harm in looking silly once in a while. And seeing no harm in being silly/looking silly. Like claudia, well... she's really... FEARLESS ...
let's take a look at these... not so fun people and how their pictures turn out... =)))

now... lets take a look at how much nicer people look when they aren't "camera-shy" (man... are you sure those people in the above pictures were camera SHY? Looks more like camera-phobia to me....)

Tell you what... Yvonne best la! She NEVER EVER RUNS AWAY!!!! and hell I am grateful for that =) Glad there are still some sporting people out there =D
Monday, April 17, 2006
Our Choir... for the first time in CCPS History.. GOT A GOLD... AND WITH HONOURS MIND YOU.... you can't imagine my happiness... anyway. i'm real tired... so i'm gonna post up a before and after shot of claudia this morning... and sabotage some of my friends from yesterday =)))

It's side-ways but can see la hor... (ehhs. I love claudia la.. alwaes so sporting hahaa)
Well, thats her before photo..... and well... this is the after:

you can't really tell the difference but... here it is!
alright... WE GOT A GOLD FOR SYF !!!!!!
Sunday, April 16, 2006
hehes. i went ice skating today!!! =) just gonna post up the many pics of people falling... flirting... (chee-ko-pek-ing)
See my comic strip....
i know i am bloody mean!!! hahahaaa.... oh wait... i see another chee-ko-peh!
hahaa... yvonne look so gong... =x
oh.. i see the birthday girl.. she looks grumpy... =x
AHHHH!!!!! It's.... snowing! ... indoors... no fair! For the birthday girl !
yay!!! .... okay... lets eat...
nicole... you gotta CONTROL YOURSELF.... we know you're tempted to drown them all down.... =)
Oh well.. I got alot of funny pictures left but i'll leave them for future sabotaging! =) Let's end with the cake, shall we?
*drum roll*
P.S: Click here to see the videos I took! =)
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Oh... So that's how i look like.. hahahaha .. =)
#2- Grumpy Lydia at Gelare
haha.... nah.. i just took her at a time when she LOOKED grumpy... =)
#3- Beehoon Girl //Alissa
hahaa... yay?
#4- *2 pictures*
Oh and to top it all off. ......
#5- My "tobi" !
Made using receipts =) I love receipts.. they got alotta uses heh.....
Yesterday... I went out.... for pretty much the whole day.. when I got home.. I slept. =D
Went to church early in the morning with alissa and vanessa for good friday service, then our class gave out kaya.. (and couldn't find the house...=x) then we left for Plaza Singapura... where the girls had a pretty boring time.. (my opinion la... dunno wad the hell the boys did) got nothing much to do there wad... we took neoprints and ate.... alot... I bought corn soup from MOS burger and realised that Carissa, Vanessa and Alissa all despise corn... =x so sad! hahaa... Then we went to Gelare to eat ice-cream.... and then we went to Kopitiam to eat somemore... actually.. we watched alissa and vanessa eating beehoon... haha . i didn't realize that girls could be such pigs until yesterday... haha.. While they were eating, Carissa taught me how to make this funny shooting star thingie and lydia tried a new hairstyle on me haha .. its something like.. "reverse french plait" or something... =x oh well.
Afterwards we met up with uncle terrence they all and went to Punggol via MRT... hahaa. I think i was really noisy and annoying everyone by imitating the voice synthesizer person going all " Next station: Kovan " or thingie .. ahaha .. noisiest should be my "teeteeteeteetee" sound when the door closing.. got alot la.. something like this...
" Next station: Kovan "
" Kovan station...... Kovan station. Please mind the gap "
"doors closing *teeteeteeteeteeteetee* "
haha.. I am so lame. then we went over to terrence's house.. it's beautiful! haha .. I like it.. We watched Mr and Mrs Smith... i almost fell asleep even though the show is pretty exciting. i have no idea why... afterwards the boys went downstairs to play basketball... goodness they are darn dirty la! .. play until so sweaty and aloysius fell smack down on the wet ground a few times.. positively disgusting la. .. Vanessa, alissa and I also went to play the monkey bars and excercise thingies for awhile.
We went back upstairs for Pizza and the guys showered.. and flooded the toilet from what I've heard... =x we played taboo .. it was fun.. and left for home lor... hahaa.... quite a fun day ... =)
*the end*
P.S : Post the very little photos i have , later.. =)
Thursday, April 13, 2006
I want to shout and scold and hit someone.. no one in particular... have you ever felt like this?
Anyway I was thinking about a few days ago, Miss Lim (our choir instructor) asked us to close our eyes and imagine hills... a lake... a cloud and a LONG ROW of daffodils.. seriously, I could imagine it vividly.. and it was beautiful! I really wanted to draw it out.. and I did. but being the horrible artist i was... it turned out like....

Of course, it is pretty cute in a cartoony sorta way no? Anyway.. if my handwriting is too messy then i'm sorry, but i actually quoted the song in my picture lols! "I wandered lonely as a cloud, over vales(valleys) and hills, when all at once I saw a crowd, a host of golden daffodils..." and "the waves beside them danced but they outdid the sparkling waves in GLEE" hahaa =x i'm feeling so lame again! Happens often when I'm bored... get used to it *beams*
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Me: We need anger management meh?
Claudia: Yah lor. Later we not angry then they tell us about what makes us angry then we suddenly think about it then the hatred starts building then we BANG the table and start shouting!
Me: Ya yaya! Later she say... "You get angry when a friend betrays you/tell your secrets to other people..." Then we think about it den we start to scream and shout and become angry and want to kill that person.. how?
So we ramble on and on... and were laughing like MAD when we entered the class, of course, the counsellor gave us a what-are-you-laughing-about look and started her talk. The talk was engaging and the powerpoint slides were BEAUTIFUL.. she agreed to send it to us... =)
On a totally irrelevant note, in class before the talk started.. Claudia and I picked up our classmate (Alicia)'s stuff-toy-lookalike pencil case and started doing a dance to the "jian kang ge" hahahaa . *zuo san quan you san quan....*
Again and again! =x I am that lame....
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Ten years after she continuosly updating, she was overwhelmed by work and stopped!
Hahaa . I am SO lame!!!
Today I was looking at other people's blogs and realised that my blog has been mentioned in a few. *honored* Suddenly I had an urge to blog! =) I've been photographing alot lately, so well... lots of photos coming up! =)

I sorta found this picture before I cleared my recycle bin, and I'm darn glad I did! This used to be my favourite picture ever! I took it with my phone in primary... 4 ? =)
I'm a happy girl~
(oh and I realised there are a few tag board posts stating that I'm a really egoistic person ... Well, I am! and i ain't afraid to admit it!)
That on the right ? Well... That's me and claudia again... I wonder if there's a difference from two years ago.. I can see how I've changed but claudia looks exactly the same to me!

Oh dammit .. while I was typing this I went to check out who the stupid person who started this rubbishy I-am-very-self-obsessed thing is.. by IP address of course, and realized that it is... someone we all know. Not in our class, but.... *oh i'm so heart-broken*
anyway... I will continue being that self-obsessed freak, continue to love myself regardless of whatever insults you throw at me ( some nice comments would be helpful ) ... =)
okay. anyway.. I love school now, especially since we can do most of our work using the computer. I have sort of quit maple, although logging in once in a while to check up on my account. Mrs lee says that we can continue with maple after PSLE ... I really wonder if I would even want to... I mean, after the "craze" is gone I really .... don't like maple THAT much anymore...
Life is pretty depressing at times ... zzz =x