INSTRUCTIONS :name 20 people you can think of right now at the top of your head. don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 20 pple. tag at least 5 pple.
1. YanTing
2. Alissa
3. Vanessa
4. Claudia
5. Nicole
6. Audrey
7. Lydia
8. Irene
9. Mrs Lee (yes... my teacher)
10. Mui **ee.. almost forgot
11. Mei Yan
12. Marcus
13. Kit Kit
14. Zhu Zhu
15. Yvonne
16. PeiZhen
17. BiBi
18. Jian Wen
19. Gideon
20.You Jin
(eh. the last three are like a package... hahahaha)
the five people:YanTing, Alissa, Claudia, Nicole and Bibi!
the QUESTIONS: did u meet 14?
Please la... WE ARE RELATED.
2.what would you do if u never meet 1?
Can't really imagine that.... hmm. I wuden be so full of jealousy! =D
3.what will you do if 20 and 9 dated?
MY TEACHER AND YOU JIN? ????? PLEASE .. that is SO wrong..
4.Have you ever liked 19?
HELL NO... never have never will.. heh
5.would 6 and 17 make a good couple?
Audrey and Bibi... hard to answer...
6.describe 3.
LAMER... hehe u think 20 is attractive?
eh. would i be insulting him if i said no?... hahahhaa.
8.tell me something about 7.
She likes playing with hair... =) you know any of 7's family?
sort of...
10.what is 17's favourite?
Huang Zhu Ge Ge! hahaha
11.what will you do if 18 just confessed he/she likes you?
*faint* become mute. for once in my life. it's impossible wahahhahaha!!!!!
12.what language does 15 speaks?
Singlish, English, Chinese.... and maybe just a teeny weeny bit of advertisement.. haha
13.who is 9 going out with?
She's 11+ haha. turning 12 on June 28
15.when is the last time you talked to 17?
Yesterday in school if i'm not wrong.....
16.what is 2's favourite band/singer?
Eh. She doesn't have one.. at least thats what I think. She listens to 98.7FM.. hurhur
17.would you ever date 15?
Sorry Yvonne.. You're fun and all.. but I'M NOT LESBIAN
18.would you ever date 7?
I REPEAT: I am not lesbian 6 single?
Yeah. But she has a whole buncha "kor"s (just typing it makes me shiver)
20.what is 10's last name?
Tiffany CHAN wing san... =)
21.would you ever be in a serious relationship with 11?
My neighbour... my lovely sweet younger than me by one age GIRL neighbour... HOW MANY TIMES MUST I TELL YOU I AM NOT LESBIAN BEFORE YOU BELIEVE ME?
22.what school does 3 goes to?
Dunno leh! hehee. i forgot...
23.where does 6 live?
next to our school ... thats why she gets to wake up at 7 when school starts at 7.10.... **grr....
24.what is your fav thing about 5?
countless.. she's so sweet! hehee
25.have you seen no.1 naked?
ehm... maybe? hahahhaha!!!!!
26. What do you hate about no.12?
ehh. teeny weeny bit irritating at times...
27.Who are u most afraid of?
Definitely No. 9
28. Who do you want to be for one day?
16!!! I wanna see how her brain works...
29.Who are you most envious of?
NUMBER 1. bloody rich.
30.Who is the hottest?
ME! DUH... okok. let's see.... CLAUDIA!!!!!!
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