I am finally bored enough and free enough to blog about something that I've been wanting to for a bit now, and that is my obsession with creating lists! I don't really know what to call it actually, it's not so much as checklists as taking notes and snippets of stuff I see online and cataloguing it for my own daydream-y purposes.
Okay I think I'm being confusing, let me explain. I like using Evernote to create random notebooks where I can collate all the random ideas I have and save pictures and make comments on the posts that I make. So I've done this for our concert costuming ideas, random purchases I've made, birthday wishlists or wishlists in general, manicure ideas, clothes I'd like to buy... but predominantly it is posts and posts on furniture and my dream home.
I was mostly inspired to blog about this because we were visiting homes today (like homes for sale) and I was struck by how incredibly expensive all the houses are and how impossible it seems to buy and own a decent (okay so I have pretty high standards for decent) lovely home in Singapore. I can easily say that earning enough money to buy a lovely home to live in is one of the strongest motivations I have for doing well in school (even though it doesn't seem like it because I'm spending my time blogging right now hahaha but hey, exams just ended last week)
I'm not really a video kind of person (that is to say I don't really prefer watching videos but not that I do not watch videos at all), I like reading articles and looking at photos on
- tumblr
- thoughtcatalog.com
- freshome.com
- uhh some other sites I can't remember
- oh and men's health hahahahahhahaha don't judge
because I read them on flipboard, which has the most amazing layout ever to read and view stuff. It's super beautiful. Here is a video to show you what flipboard is:
flipboard is how I end up sleeping at 2am when I plan to sleep at like... 10pm
I also get distracted on instagram, a recent addiction but @.@ so worth it (follow me @jodyhong hehe)
So anyway some time ago I added these random home decor and interior design feeds onto my flipboard and oooooh I realised that I would really love to own and decorate my own home in the future that is super cosy and shit. and I have notebooks on my evernote which catalogue (but it is not exhaustive because I am not always hardworking enough to save the images hehe) pretty homes and ideas. and I would like to share them here today!
So some things I would definitely love to have in my dream home are:
1. Daybeds and Swings (or daybed swings rather)
I think wanting a daybed-swing would necessarily mean that I need a lot of space in the house because this will not be my bed this will be my day bed. hahaha. Anyway, that first picture of the swing/daybed is my idea of extremememememely comfortable and perfect for a lazy day at home. to read or to play games on. yum.
Having the daybed in or outdoors does not matter to me, actually, because I think outdoors might actually be a little inconvenient and perhaps a little dirtier. I don't think I will be a very hardworking diligent home cleaner so indoors is better... definitely. besides, outside is only better if there's a lovely view or a lovely wind.
On a random note, this is also a sofa I would like to have hahaha
2. Funky Furniture
Not entirely sure how everything will be able to work out because there are such amazing random things that I'd like to incorporate into my home but here is one coffee table I would love to have.
I can't find the video that came along about this video but those little cupboards can be hidden into the depths of the table. here's some
random site talking about the table.
And the following is a screenshot I took from my iPad sometime ago. I actually find the entire setting of the second picture very lovely even though the focus is on the ballerina table.
3. Bookshelves
Now, I realise that bookshelves should go under funky furniture but... I don't care. I'm not really sure how I want my bookshelf to be like but I just know that it's imperative to have one. I've seen curved bookshelves that go around a wall, or incredibly innovative designs like this:
Apart from the photos that I do have, I figure I might as well start fantasizing about a lovely home with infinite space here before I end off.
I'd like a place with a lot of space, definitely, and a balcony. I'm not entirely sure how large the balcony should be, but it should exist; and it should be windy.
I'd like a living room with a large television and DVD player. Cable TV is not necessary because I honestly do not watch television shows (at all, I can safely say) so I wouldn't need it. A DVD player is necessary though. very necessary. There would be a space in front of the TV for games like wii and maybe a kinect for dance central, but honestly I do not play those games either. I would actually connect my age-old Nintento 64 to it and play pokemon stadium (provided my sister allows me to steal it, but I'll figure that out when the time comes. my sister would of course be invited to join me in my awesome living room)
this is our real nintendo 64 with our never-gets-boring Pokémon Stadium :')
Nearby, there would be a cupboard where I store my favourite boardgames like Monopoly, Game of Life, Saboteur and Twister, etc. and there should be a space somewhere in the house that can permit the playing of these games.
Now, I'm not really a cook or even close to one, but I figure I'll learn in time to come. But I know that the kind of kitchen I'd like would be the sort with an island in the centre, like this:
the island is that huge table in the centre, I find it very nice. This kitchen was just found on google I was just trying to illustrate the island hahaha.
Ooh, I'd also like ceiling to floor glass windows around the house, to let a lot of light in, because natural light is the best sort of light. Speaking of floors, I'd like either parquet or marble floors (are those the only kind?) and one room (at least) that is entirely carpeted hehe. with the furry soft kind of carpet that you could bury your face in. Only you wouldn't because that is extremely unhygienic and dubious. but would be comfortable for your butt, y'know.
kind of like the carpet in this photo but maybe not in such a sad colour
Hmm... what else?
I like wallpaper actually. and I like those homes with one wall wallpapered because I really think it adds colour and detail to homes and I'm not really the artistic sort so..
(I just found
this list of white wallpapers that look pretty cool but they're not my sort but I thought I'd share it anyway)
Or maybe just really bold colours because I've seen a super lot of photos of homes with brrrriiiiilliant colour that just sounds impossible to get bored in. like this one (to see the full article
click here):
That's all I can think of actually, because mostly I've been screenshooting random homes all over the world that are impossible to own but very possible to look at and admire. So I'll end off by posting them here hahaha
Sigh. lots of work to do before I can even come close to living in a home half that size hahaha but yes this is my motivation. A levels let's go.