Friday, December 7, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
teehee. i went shopping today! at harbourtown.
the prices are so fabulously low and the stuff are so fabulously cool, i just had to spend like CRAZY. it's such bad behaviour, wasting money like that, but i just can't help it! *tries to look ashamed*
i also went for my mom's friend's son kenward's(11yrs) school end of year concert. it wasn't super exciting but it wasn't super boring either. but it got really cold at night. like 24degrees celsius, and the stupid teacher there kept saying "last item" but it never seemed to end! grr.
i got so bored(at some point) that i realised that rudolph the red nose reindeer's friends are rather mean and they exclude rudolph a lot until he becomes some significant member of the reindeer society! what's that word... starts with letter o. GRR.
(after 5 minutes of brain racking and checking the thesaurus under 'excluding')
here's the song (with my little notes of wisdom in pink :D)
Rudolph the red nosed reindeer,
had a very shiny nose. there's the start of all his problems. -_-"
and if you ever saw it,
you would even say it glows. adding fuel to the fire i say!
all of the other reindeer,
used to laugh and call him names. stupid reindeers, bullies!
they never let poor rudolph,
join in any reindeer games. what DO reindeers play anyway?
then one foggy christmas eve,
santa came to stay. bloody santa clause is such a big shot eh? after he asked rudolph for help rudolph becomes so popular with his friends!
"rudolph with your nose so bright, won't you guide my sleigh tonight?"
then all the reindeer loved him, horrible reindeers -_-"
as they shouted out with glee.
rudolph the red nosed reindeer,
made it down in history!
QUITE rubbish la. hahahhaha. and i realised it's not ostracising. it's more of , teasing. so hypocritical though, the damn reindeers.
which brings me to another song which i realised people sing rather blindly, hahahha.
rock-a-bye baby, on a treetop,
when the wind blows, the cradle will rock.
when the bough breaks, the cradle will fall,
and down will come baby, cradle and all.
-_- a bit scary to sing to babies, no? try to make them sleep like this. hahaha.
let me add to the previous post about the flies. i can't believe i forgot to mention this,
darling fly buddy also zoomed into my eye and made my left contact lens fall out. -.- so gross.
yay, i'm going home tomorrow! kind of miss singapore after a week here in perth. teehee.
p.s: 2 blog posts this month to make up for the delay. LOL. i don't really enjoy blogging unless i want to talk about something anyway. :D
the prices are so fabulously low and the stuff are so fabulously cool, i just had to spend like CRAZY. it's such bad behaviour, wasting money like that, but i just can't help it! *tries to look ashamed*
i also went for my mom's friend's son kenward's(11yrs) school end of year concert. it wasn't super exciting but it wasn't super boring either. but it got really cold at night. like 24degrees celsius, and the stupid teacher there kept saying "last item" but it never seemed to end! grr.
i got so bored(at some point) that i realised that rudolph the red nose reindeer's friends are rather mean and they exclude rudolph a lot until he becomes some significant member of the reindeer society! what's that word... starts with letter o. GRR.
(after 5 minutes of brain racking and checking the thesaurus under 'excluding')
here's the song (with my little notes of wisdom in pink :D)
Rudolph the red nosed reindeer,
had a very shiny nose. there's the start of all his problems. -_-"
and if you ever saw it,
you would even say it glows. adding fuel to the fire i say!
all of the other reindeer,
used to laugh and call him names. stupid reindeers, bullies!
they never let poor rudolph,
join in any reindeer games. what DO reindeers play anyway?
then one foggy christmas eve,
santa came to stay. bloody santa clause is such a big shot eh? after he asked rudolph for help rudolph becomes so popular with his friends!
"rudolph with your nose so bright, won't you guide my sleigh tonight?"
then all the reindeer loved him, horrible reindeers -_-"
as they shouted out with glee.
rudolph the red nosed reindeer,
made it down in history!
QUITE rubbish la. hahahhaha. and i realised it's not ostracising. it's more of , teasing. so hypocritical though, the damn reindeers.
which brings me to another song which i realised people sing rather blindly, hahahha.
rock-a-bye baby, on a treetop,
when the wind blows, the cradle will rock.
when the bough breaks, the cradle will fall,
and down will come baby, cradle and all.
-_- a bit scary to sing to babies, no? try to make them sleep like this. hahaha.
let me add to the previous post about the flies. i can't believe i forgot to mention this,
darling fly buddy also zoomed into my eye and made my left contact lens fall out. -.- so gross.
yay, i'm going home tomorrow! kind of miss singapore after a week here in perth. teehee.
p.s: 2 blog posts this month to make up for the delay. LOL. i don't really enjoy blogging unless i want to talk about something anyway. :D
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
i <3 mosquitos
what could possibly make jody come out of her blogging hiatus (well more like hibernation.)
and while she's on holiday too.
the BLOODY FLIES in perth !
i swear, they are the most annoying thing since twits. i'm sure there aren't quite as many twits as there are flies. I'M SERIOUS. ahhhhhhhh. the ratio of humans to flies here is probably
and while she's on holiday too.
the BLOODY FLIES in perth !
i swear, they are the most annoying thing since twits. i'm sure there aren't quite as many twits as there are flies. I'M SERIOUS. ahhhhhhhh. the ratio of humans to flies here is probably
every single human probably has a fly buddy here.
according to a driver person, the darling flies here luuuuuuurve the dry and warm weather here. i do too, actually. i just hate the flies. -.-
flies are not like mosquitos. flies do not give up after you shoo them off with one hand.
i love mosquitos now. absolutely adore them. flies stalk you from burswood to garden city. flies attempt to enter your mouth when you yawn. (yes i'm serious. even yawning isn't safe)
i love mosquitos now. absolutely adore them. flies stalk you from burswood to garden city. flies attempt to enter your mouth when you yawn. (yes i'm serious. even yawning isn't safe)
but then again, after today, i think that the flies around the city aren't quite as bad as the ones you get at farms . that really annoyed me so badly. so badly it's making me blog. that's got to mean something. while i was horse-riding (on one of those cool trail ride-y things, kind of like sight-seeing! i saw dead kangaroos [the corpse] and cool live wild ones! there were koooookaaabaraaaaaaaas too. dunno how to spell (x ) we really had to pluck leaves off the trees to shoo the flies off. and then to my utter horrorrrr: the flies were like RESTING ON MY FEET. wtf la! just about a million of them were happily resting on my nice esprit pants. i swat them off and they just come right back.
i tried to ignore them for about 5 seconds , and guess what?
my darling buddy fly attempted to crawl up my nose
on a more pleasant note: the shopping in perth is quite fun! :D
i mean, it's expensive. but then again it's fun. shopping is always fun, DON'T YOU GET IT ?! it's awesome to look at clothes and wear them and then BUY THEM. it's addictive too. i think i've gone beyond the point of no return ): hahahaa.
i bet i spent loaddddds of money already. poor mummy.
i've also lost track of the stuff i bought for my friends. (not because there are lots of things. i just didn't keep track . teehee)
i can't believe i thought the first 2 days in perth were worthless. i wanted to leave like 4 DAYS BEFORE the initial departure date. there's only one more day left in perth (tomorrow) and i'm gonna go shopping at harbourtown. gotta buy presents for people whom i haven't already bought. hahaha.
by the way, fish and chips here is fantastic too! i want to eat it again so badly ): there are a bunch of shops at fremantle port, but the best is supposedly kaili's. AND I TOTALLY AGREE. it's niceeeeeee, and the prawns there are fantastically fresh! the view is quite nice too.
one minor setback are the flies. but with a bit of patience i think the flies at fremantle are bearable. :) there's also a cool ride called ocean explorer. it's a jet boat thingie where the people drive (is it called driving?) the boat out in the sea and they go super fast and splash seawater all over you, hehe. it's like a roller coaster ride without the rails. :D
wow. i blogged. maybe i'll blog again next year. or the next. or the next.
p.s: stardust has got to be the funniest show i have ever watched! it's been awhile but i just remembered. it's fantastically hilarious. :D i've also got loads of pictures of me in perth but i'm way too lazy to upload. haha.
p.p.s: now that i reread the post maybe i've exagerrated a little bit. just a little bit. :) but then you can't blame me. flies ARE irritating.
Monday, October 1, 2007
haha. tricked.
who said anything about updating till the next month? well, actually it is a next month . it's CHILDREN'S DAY. so yes i will update. now. yes, now!
i came across this cool quote when i was doing my rather weird way of blogsurfing. (:
i came to update just to write that down. hehe. i think it's a cool way to say something that's true. haha.
and when wenqi saw that on my msn nick she thought i'd found my
who said anything about updating till the next month? well, actually it is a next month . it's CHILDREN'S DAY. so yes i will update. now. yes, now!
i came across this cool quote when i was doing my rather weird way of blogsurfing. (:
We're all a little weird, and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love <3>
i came to update just to write that down. hehe. i think it's a cool way to say something that's true. haha.
and when wenqi saw that on my msn nick she thought i'd found my
yesyes, i laughed. (:
end of post.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
chain mails, sleepwalking and other boring things
haha, it's almost been a month (ALMOST: just a day more!) since i last blogged so i think i should blog now. anyway, as the title probably told you, i'm gonna talk about how i feel about chain mails, which is a REALLY BORING topic so you should click that cute little x at the top right hand corner just about now. (:
no? so you're interested in how i find chain mails so ridiculous (trust me this is just a rant. nothing you'd find interesting -.-). THEY GET MORE AND MORE BORING AS TIME GETS BY.
I remember when I just got my email, about primary 2? don't know if that's supposed to be early but I was NEW to the computer thing. so anyway, i prided myself on getting lots and lots of friends in my msn list. and so, more friends = more spam. i got LOADS and LOADS of chain mails telling me that I would DIE in like . 2 seconds or something if i didn't forward it in the next 2 nanoseconds. -_-" (okay fine i'm exaggerating but it IS irritating) and last time i used to be SUPER DUPER AFRAID OKAY. i'd faster forward to all my contacts and when i got some notice, some failure thing, i'd FREAK OUT and try to send to more people.
the most memorable experience with the stupid junk mail was when i was in p2 or p3. the email showed one freaky picture of this girl with super long hair covering her face. said she was gonna come get me or something . (squeaks) i forwarded to a bunch of people and didn't manage to send and i obviously freaked out. (by then i already had my own room so i was a bit scared of the dark. digressing: i used to leave the lights on cuz i was scared. MAJOR waste of electricity!) then i realised i didn't die. and no one came to get me. though i did have like ONE sleepless night.
and just another note: chain mails DO get boring-er as time goes by. last time they used to have pictures(which are super convincing, mind you), and my cousin received this cool (scary at that time) program in the email which caused his CD thingie to eject and stuff and scared the hell outta him . hahaha. but NOW, now it's just stupid letters and stuff and unconvincing stories (yawn) one click and they're out of my life!
there's even about mickey mouse and bloody mary or something. BLOODY MARY'S a drink. or a soup at bakerzin. hahaha. i kind of like the soup, by the way.
hehehe . I DO THE ABOVE! my mom's friend was staying over in my room then she said i almost walked out the door (quite long ago already la. like last year or something) and now i still sleeptalk . almost all the time, haha.
feels kind of dangerous to know you sleeptalk . your secrets may get out! (*gasp* what secrets does jody have?!) but nothing bad has happened to me yet. no one knows i murdered that little bug that landed on my leg (:
this is the part where i talk about my DAY. it's inevitable darling(pronounce as DAHLING, like those pompous rich people!) . hahaha. ehm, i had my french oral yesterday and it was pretty FUN. cuz the teacher was nice. i was supposed to ask a friend out for tennis . it went a little bit like this:
moi: bonjour!
teacher: bonjour!
moi: (in a whispery tone) can I give you a name?
teacher: Je suis ton amie! (I am your friend!)
moi: okay. SALUT MARIE! (hello marie!)
teacher: (points to self) marie?
moi: Oui.
teacher: (laughs) d'accord (okay) salut Jody!
(okay i'm bored. i'm going to say in english from here =.=)
moi: are you free on saturday?
teacher: hmm ... no, i'm not free on saturday.
moi: (nervous) when. are. you. free?
teacher: mmm , sunday?
BLABLABLA. then...
moi: after the game maybe we can go watch a movie at the cinema?
teacher: okay. what movie?
moi: -blank-
teacher: ratatouille?
moi: OUI!
teacher: (laughs)
-deadly silence-
moi: au revoir?...
teacher: au dimanche! (see you sunday)
moi: au dimanche!
-ENDS and i go laughing out of the room-
so retarded. today i had my written exam . did okay. nothing eventful . -.-
okay i'm being forced to go sleep. it's now 27 september. =.= when i started this post it was 26 september. hahaha.
p.s: wow, such a long post!
no? so you're interested in how i find chain mails so ridiculous (trust me this is just a rant. nothing you'd find interesting -.-). THEY GET MORE AND MORE BORING AS TIME GETS BY.
I remember when I just got my email, about primary 2? don't know if that's supposed to be early but I was NEW to the computer thing. so anyway, i prided myself on getting lots and lots of friends in my msn list. and so, more friends = more spam. i got LOADS and LOADS of chain mails telling me that I would DIE in like . 2 seconds or something if i didn't forward it in the next 2 nanoseconds. -_-" (okay fine i'm exaggerating but it IS irritating) and last time i used to be SUPER DUPER AFRAID OKAY. i'd faster forward to all my contacts and when i got some notice, some failure thing, i'd FREAK OUT and try to send to more people.
the most memorable experience with the stupid junk mail was when i was in p2 or p3. the email showed one freaky picture of this girl with super long hair covering her face. said she was gonna come get me or something . (squeaks) i forwarded to a bunch of people and didn't manage to send and i obviously freaked out. (by then i already had my own room so i was a bit scared of the dark. digressing: i used to leave the lights on cuz i was scared. MAJOR waste of electricity!) then i realised i didn't die. and no one came to get me. though i did have like ONE sleepless night.
and just another note: chain mails DO get boring-er as time goes by. last time they used to have pictures(which are super convincing, mind you), and my cousin received this cool (scary at that time) program in the email which caused his CD thingie to eject and stuff and scared the hell outta him . hahaha. but NOW, now it's just stupid letters and stuff and unconvincing stories (yawn) one click and they're out of my life!
there's even about mickey mouse and bloody mary or something. BLOODY MARY'S a drink. or a soup at bakerzin. hahaha. i kind of like the soup, by the way.
hehehe . I DO THE ABOVE! my mom's friend was staying over in my room then she said i almost walked out the door (quite long ago already la. like last year or something) and now i still sleeptalk . almost all the time, haha.
feels kind of dangerous to know you sleeptalk . your secrets may get out! (*gasp* what secrets does jody have?!) but nothing bad has happened to me yet. no one knows i murdered that little bug that landed on my leg (:
this is the part where i talk about my DAY. it's inevitable darling(pronounce as DAHLING, like those pompous rich people!) . hahaha. ehm, i had my french oral yesterday and it was pretty FUN. cuz the teacher was nice. i was supposed to ask a friend out for tennis . it went a little bit like this:
moi: bonjour!
teacher: bonjour!
moi: (in a whispery tone) can I give you a name?
teacher: Je suis ton amie! (I am your friend!)
moi: okay. SALUT MARIE! (hello marie!)
teacher: (points to self) marie?
moi: Oui.
teacher: (laughs) d'accord (okay) salut Jody!
(okay i'm bored. i'm going to say in english from here =.=)
moi: are you free on saturday?
teacher: hmm ... no, i'm not free on saturday.
moi: (nervous) when. are. you. free?
teacher: mmm , sunday?
BLABLABLA. then...
moi: after the game maybe we can go watch a movie at the cinema?
teacher: okay. what movie?
moi: -blank-
teacher: ratatouille?
moi: OUI!
teacher: (laughs)
-deadly silence-
moi: au revoir?...
teacher: au dimanche! (see you sunday)
moi: au dimanche!
-ENDS and i go laughing out of the room-
so retarded. today i had my written exam . did okay. nothing eventful . -.-
okay i'm being forced to go sleep. it's now 27 september. =.= when i started this post it was 26 september. hahaha.
p.s: wow, such a long post!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
the death clan
natalie, gloria, shanxi and I were talking rubbish during research studies.
and I learnt that my blog name - shinde-kudasai - does not mean 'go die' but 'please die' . I am exceptionally pleased at myself for being such a polite girl even subconsciously! ahahaha.
we also decided to become some death clan thing.
natalie's blog shall be ...
gloria's blog shall be ...
みなさん死にます (EVERONE DIES)
shanxi's blog shall be ...
死んでわいけません (SHALL NOT DIE)
Though only mine and natalie's are up. This IS rather cute isn't it? Rest assured, the contents of the blogs will not cause you do die (I think). ;D
p.s: natalie and I were saying on msn how our death thing has different levels of evil-ness.
shanxi is the not so evil one.
i'm the sadistic one. Please die (so I can watch)
gloria is just EVIL.
natalie is the preceding evil. lol.
natalie, gloria, shanxi and I were talking rubbish during research studies.
and I learnt that my blog name - shinde-kudasai - does not mean 'go die' but 'please die' . I am exceptionally pleased at myself for being such a polite girl even subconsciously! ahahaha.
we also decided to become some death clan thing.
natalie's blog shall be ...
gloria's blog shall be ...
みなさん死にます (EVERONE DIES)
shanxi's blog shall be ...
死んでわいけません (SHALL NOT DIE)
Though only mine and natalie's are up. This IS rather cute isn't it? Rest assured, the contents of the blogs will not cause you do die (I think). ;D
p.s: natalie and I were saying on msn how our death thing has different levels of evil-ness.
shanxi is the not so evil one.
i'm the sadistic one. Please die (so I can watch)
gloria is just EVIL.
natalie is the preceding evil. lol.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
the ridiculous things girls come up with
Natalie and I spent some time coming up with a ridiculous song.
Inspiration: Sunburns
It really is hilarious. To us, anyway. Just to clarify: we were targeting no one in this song. In fact, a lot is based on ourself. Or our random thoughts, anyway. It may be complete, it may be. Depends on our mood. Heh.
Inspiration: Sunburns
It really is hilarious. To us, anyway. Just to clarify: we were targeting no one in this song. In fact, a lot is based on ourself. Or our random thoughts, anyway. It may be complete, it may be. Depends on our mood. Heh.
The Sun will shine
and burn in your face
and your face will rot
But it's okay
`cuz you don't have a nice face anyway
you have those pimples
and those little freckles
and them ugly moles~
You're already so ugly
so don't you worry
`cuz you don't have a nice face anyway
You went to the doctor
to get help for this problem (of yours)
But he said, "I can't help you
but it's really quite okay
You can't get any uglier than you are anyway
Done. For now anyway.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
HAHA. bimbo farah
i love chacha. the dance. LOL. it's FUN.
i like i like i like chacha. it's so fun. ^^ i'm just repeating this to take up space. anyway, a minute ago i had so much to say because this is a freeblock with computers (: i have no idea it's why this way but i really like it!
haha. now my mind is entirely BLANK when i have to type it out ! :D EVERYTHING IS DEAD ON MY BLOG. the tagboard. my posts. me. -_-''
okay, i have to say this FARAH IS A LOSER!
but she's so bimb lah. everyday she goes:
"shut up!"
"oh my GOD, that is so XXX"
"yeah right"
*rolls her eyes*
SO ON AND SO FORTH. ohman i can DIE.
everyday she'll be reading some retarded chick lit book and i bet she's learning more everyday. one day she'll come to school in humungous sunglasses . HAHA. farah i hate you too 3
today we also learnt how to play the glockenspiel. in aesthetics. I THINK IT'S FUN! and yesterday i spent 1 to 2 hours practicing the piano cuz i never do it. i'm so in trouble. exam's in a week! RAHHHH.
on another note, here's a snippet of a conversation we had just now. like really JUST:
farah: i'm not bimbo!
me: you are, farah.
shanxi: yeah, you don't WANT to be, but you ARE.
me: yup.
farah: I CAN CHANGE.
shanxi: no-
me: nevermind shanxi, LET HER CHANGE, WE'LL HAVE FUN WATCHING!
farah: ew that sounds wrong.
-cue laughter-
HAHA. bimb farah.
i love chacha. the dance. LOL. it's FUN.
i like i like i like chacha. it's so fun. ^^ i'm just repeating this to take up space. anyway, a minute ago i had so much to say because this is a freeblock with computers (: i have no idea it's why this way but i really like it!
haha. now my mind is entirely BLANK when i have to type it out ! :D EVERYTHING IS DEAD ON MY BLOG. the tagboard. my posts. me. -_-''
okay, i have to say this FARAH IS A LOSER!
but she's so bimb lah. everyday she goes:
"shut up!"
"oh my GOD, that is so XXX"
"yeah right"
*rolls her eyes*
SO ON AND SO FORTH. ohman i can DIE.
everyday she'll be reading some retarded chick lit book and i bet she's learning more everyday. one day she'll come to school in humungous sunglasses . HAHA. farah i hate you too 3
today we also learnt how to play the glockenspiel. in aesthetics. I THINK IT'S FUN! and yesterday i spent 1 to 2 hours practicing the piano cuz i never do it. i'm so in trouble. exam's in a week! RAHHHH.
on another note, here's a snippet of a conversation we had just now. like really JUST:
farah: i'm not bimbo!
me: you are, farah.
shanxi: yeah, you don't WANT to be, but you ARE.
me: yup.
farah: I CAN CHANGE.
shanxi: no-
me: nevermind shanxi, LET HER CHANGE, WE'LL HAVE FUN WATCHING!
farah: ew that sounds wrong.
-cue laughter-
HAHA. bimb farah.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
had a feeling i should start blogging.
for one, it's been about a million years since i last blogged. haha. no idea why i'm such a lazy girl. anywayyyyy, national day long weekend is the most
absolutely wonderful holiday
ever. i didn't do anything special. i just slacked around. WHICH IS WHAT MAKES IT SO GREAT.yahooooo .HAHHA.
yesterday... i went for the sec sch league at victor's superbowl . LOL, at first i didn't know where it was so i gave wrong directions to my ahkong and ended up at marina south pier -_-! i recognised the place cuz that's the place we went in p6 to go to semakau landfill. LOL. anyway, i wasn't wearing my glasses in the morning so i read the (rather old) sign 'victor's superbowl' as
'victor's cuperbowl'. no idea how, i just DID. lol . i bowled okay i guess. I LIKE VICTOR'S SUPERBOWL HAHA . so fun. the music being played was all the oldies and stuff so it was really enjoyable to bowl with all that music. :D
heh . i think i shall end the post here. bye!
for one, it's been about a million years since i last blogged. haha. no idea why i'm such a lazy girl. anywayyyyy, national day long weekend is the most
absolutely wonderful holiday
ever. i didn't do anything special. i just slacked around. WHICH IS WHAT MAKES IT SO GREAT.yahooooo .HAHHA.
yesterday... i went for the sec sch league at victor's superbowl . LOL, at first i didn't know where it was so i gave wrong directions to my ahkong and ended up at marina south pier -_-! i recognised the place cuz that's the place we went in p6 to go to semakau landfill. LOL. anyway, i wasn't wearing my glasses in the morning so i read the (rather old) sign 'victor's superbowl' as
'victor's cuperbowl'. no idea how, i just DID. lol . i bowled okay i guess. I LIKE VICTOR'S SUPERBOWL HAHA . so fun. the music being played was all the oldies and stuff so it was really enjoyable to bowl with all that music. :D
heh . i think i shall end the post here. bye!
Saturday, August 4, 2007
i have nothing to blog about
nothing whatsoever .
there are pictures, i suppose. but i forgot what.
it's been nearly a month since i blogged. a good month. heh.
and there's bio. I HAVEN'T EVEN READ THE HANDOUT. lol . for the PT.
now, just go to
zhiwen's blog
to see stuff
melissa's blog
to see stuff
google, or rather, blackle
to see stuff
today i have officially gained a new lovely phobia of my bowling balls. BOTH . dang,
stupid lah . dunno what happen halfway through a game suddenly tighten . evil .
(echo: evil evil evil)
i wish i had more of a life to blog about.
i am so, lifeless. life is meaningless. i need to die.
kidding lah, i'm not emo . i repeat. i am not emo.
i am so far from emo . everyone worships me, what for emo . :D ladeedum . useless post.
nothing to say nothing to say. o_o next time maybe . hahaha
nothing whatsoever .
there are pictures, i suppose. but i forgot what.
it's been nearly a month since i blogged. a good month. heh.
and there's bio. I HAVEN'T EVEN READ THE HANDOUT. lol . for the PT.
now, just go to
zhiwen's blog
to see stuff
melissa's blog
to see stuff
google, or rather, blackle
to see stuff
today i have officially gained a new lovely phobia of my bowling balls. BOTH . dang,
stupid lah . dunno what happen halfway through a game suddenly tighten . evil .
(echo: evil evil evil)
i wish i had more of a life to blog about.
i am so, lifeless. life is meaningless. i need to die.
kidding lah, i'm not emo . i repeat. i am not emo.
i am so far from emo . everyone worships me, what for emo . :D ladeedum . useless post.
nothing to say nothing to say. o_o next time maybe . hahaha
Sunday, July 8, 2007
haha. i JUST realised how long i haven't blogged! O.O hahaha.
hehe. grumpy mama. anyway, THEN THE REALLY NICE LADY GAVE ME FREE TEMPORARY CURLS! i SO like them! took pictures!
HALFWAY DONE! hehhee. half straight half curled.
DONE. after that I tied it in a ponytail cuz i looked OLDDDDDD. x) and i looked pretty! LOL . i am so ego, but whatever man ! i'm never ACTUALLY pretty. i'd like to be, though xD hahaha. this is such a bimbo post... 
anyway. lets start with the more recent events. like yesterday! (: whee. i went out with mama to parkway parade after bowling training; and after prawn mee lunch. just walked around a bit till mummy(i have so many names for her. mama, mimi, mummy, mom) decided to go for a hair wash at jean yip! haha.
mama got her hair permed some time ago at wheelock place and decided to wash it today and frankly it looked a bit funny xD. like this:

HALFWAY DONE! hehhee. half straight half curled.

whee. so rubbish. hur. anyway .. i got into cdiv! i know i should be like. happy like crappy happy. but then i read jan's blog and realised that SHE CAN BOWL A MILLION TIMES BETTER THAN ME and I think that my getting in is like some huge mistake. ):
whatever lah . i'll try to be happy (:
Friday, June 15, 2007
back to kimseng! :D
i think after tomorrow, or rather, later's training, we're going back to kimseng!
which means i get to sleep longer. wake up later. YIPEE.
actually i'm just really bored. i think i should sleep. but i absolutely refuse to let my cousin use the computer! :D
she's staring at me.
okay i think i should let her use it.
I HAVE MADE PROGRESS ON MY LIT PT. WOOHOO . i wrote ONE intro+excerpt+commentary out of SIX. wheee~
i'm gonna laser off my mole soon . hehe. i'm secretly happy cuz last time i tried to scratch it off and then it's kind of fat and sore-ish. so it's kind of ugly. and prominent. so i'm so glad. hehe. whee. it's a happy day!
of course, occasionally i get irritated with the occasional idiot here and there. like adalie. ((:
so there. you really freaking piss me off, i feel like letting the whole world know you are such a hypocrite and letting everyone know how much i hate you you know? maybe i will. one fine day.
which means i get to sleep longer. wake up later. YIPEE.
actually i'm just really bored. i think i should sleep. but i absolutely refuse to let my cousin use the computer! :D
she's staring at me.
okay i think i should let her use it.
I HAVE MADE PROGRESS ON MY LIT PT. WOOHOO . i wrote ONE intro+excerpt+commentary out of SIX. wheee~
i'm gonna laser off my mole soon . hehe. i'm secretly happy cuz last time i tried to scratch it off and then it's kind of fat and sore-ish. so it's kind of ugly. and prominent. so i'm so glad. hehe. whee. it's a happy day!
of course, occasionally i get irritated with the occasional idiot here and there. like adalie. ((:
so there. you really freaking piss me off, i feel like letting the whole world know you are such a hypocrite and letting everyone know how much i hate you you know? maybe i will. one fine day.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
I saw Pristine do this on her blog so I tried it :D
hehe this is fun... i think i'll do a few more :D
haha lame . but now i know what i should use! (@_@)
You Are a Light Pink Rose |
You represent sweetness and grace. Your vibe: Kind and gentle Falling in love with you: is like falling in love with a best friend |
You Are a Phoenix |
Driven and ambitious, you tend to acquire material success easily. You have grand schemes - both for your own life and for changing the whole world. You are a great leader, and you have no problem taking the reigns. However, you aren't all business. You also have great talents for performing and visual arts. |
hehe this is fun... i think i'll do a few more :D
You Should Be A Cancer |
What's good about you: you're incredibly kind, caring, and generous What's bad about you: you can be too moody and impossible to understand In love: you enjoy wining and dining the object of your affection In friendship, you're: likely to depend on other friends for emotional support Your ideal job: historian, marine biologist, or religious figure Your sense of fashion: you dress to match your mood You like to pig out on: classic home cooked meals, like mac and cheese |
You Are "Dizzy and Giddy" |
haha lame . but now i know what i should use! (@_@)
Now I realise...
that I suck at bowling.
both bowl so pro-ly. i stinkkkkkkkk. ):
and aunty cat prolly thinks we suck too. that's why she always leave us with some other coach like uncle jimmy(who's quite okay lah) or CHRIS<- HE SUCKS.
jan's high score is like 15+
zhiwen's is like 146.
mine is nowhere near.
both bowl so pro-ly. i stinkkkkkkkk. ):
and aunty cat prolly thinks we suck too. that's why she always leave us with some other coach like uncle jimmy(who's quite okay lah) or CHRIS<- HE SUCKS.
jan's high score is like 15+
zhiwen's is like 146.
mine is nowhere near.
The Great Attempt to Study II
Last night, I tried to study for geog and do some notes on rivers. i ended up drawing this:
uhhuh. then i proceeded to mess up the entire piece of paper with random doodles. :D
i didn't get any work done.
today, i was supposed to meet gloria to go to the library. shanxi smsed me to say she had a headache so she couldn't meet us(hope you're feeling better shnax!), so gloria and i decided to not go to the library and just do work in my house instead!
we proceeded to play the computer. solitaire.
and i doodled. a buncha characters. HAHA.
my little sister! haha, so lame right! at first it was just a girl then she asked me to add a pokeball so i drew it in x).
hehe. gloriapang! i thought tennis was sexier than badminton and since she used to play tennis i drew her in a tennis outfit. (sexy people draw sexy things you see.)
oh yes, that's a clueless girl that came in out of the blue. :D and then there's cupid down there:
yup, that's about all . i think i forgot to mention i drew this too, at my first attempt to study geog. along with the first picture of the word 'geography'
haha. BYE! :D
p.s: spongebob is SO CUTE!
p.p.s: SEXYREDPHONE rocks!
p.p.p.s: i should sleep.
p.p.p.p.s: loveya nicole i know you're reading this! x)

am i funny or not.
i then proceeded to write the word 'history', totally forgetting that i'm supposed to do the notes. :D i didn't scan the word history cuz it's kind-of ugly. hehe. but then i proceeded to write my name in the same format, which i didn't put up in case people faint when they see it. it's too pretty. not that it's ugly. okay fine, i forgot(lazy) to scan it. but then i drew a series of cartoons. well, actually i just drew this:
i then proceeded to write the word 'history', totally forgetting that i'm supposed to do the notes. :D i didn't scan the word history cuz it's kind-of ugly. hehe. but then i proceeded to write my name in the same format, which i didn't put up in case people faint when they see it. it's too pretty. not that it's ugly. okay fine, i forgot(lazy) to scan it. but then i drew a series of cartoons. well, actually i just drew this:

uhhuh. then i proceeded to mess up the entire piece of paper with random doodles. :D
i didn't get any work done.
today, i was supposed to meet gloria to go to the library. shanxi smsed me to say she had a headache so she couldn't meet us(hope you're feeling better shnax!), so gloria and i decided to not go to the library and just do work in my house instead!
we proceeded to play the computer. solitaire.
and i doodled. a buncha characters. HAHA.

yup, that's about all . i think i forgot to mention i drew this too, at my first attempt to study geog. along with the first picture of the word 'geography'

p.s: spongebob is SO CUTE!
p.p.s: SEXYREDPHONE rocks!
p.p.p.s: i should sleep.
p.p.p.p.s: loveya nicole i know you're reading this! x)
Friday, June 1, 2007
yep, as the title suggests, baby lotion is not meant for the face -.-"
i've had, a recent, rather, HORRIBLE encounter with baby lotion on the face haha. my dear ahma commented that my face was very roughish and got all worried. so she insisted on rubbing some baby lotion on my face. and i let her, i mean, baby lotion is good what. let her rub lor. yeah, then it kind-of stung.
i let it go.
i mean, when i got sunburnt i also put the lotion what, and it also stung. in the end all was well!yeah, i forgot what happened the day after -.-"
my face was freakin RED okay! and it looked like i had rashes. and i had to go for nag so my face was funnyish red. i bet the people bowling near me were wondering why i was so blush-ish. haha. anyway, that's about it for baby lotion . NOT MEANT FOR THE FACE DARLINGS. NOT MEANT FOR THE FACE.
NEXT TOPIC: weird people
i)american blacks
okay lah, if you think this is gonna be racist then you're wrong. haha. i was just gonna say that. SOME WEIRD PEOPLE BOWLING NEXT TO ME THAT DAY, when i was bowling for fun at kimseng, JUST DUMPED MY PINK POLYESTER BALL ON THE RACK LAH !
isn't it KIND-OF obvious my bowling ball isn't a house ball?! it's so shimmery and shiny and pretty (like me!) but yeah, that's it. -.-
i didn't even realise that it was gone. until i wanted to spare my shot then i was like. WHERE'S MY BALL! i looked everywhere and the people were like. just staring at me.
definition of a stalker: Someone who prowls or sneaks about; usually with unlawful intentions.
i think it just means FOLLOWING PEOPLE ABOUT. EEYER.
stalkers are losers ;D
end of post (:
i've had, a recent, rather, HORRIBLE encounter with baby lotion on the face haha. my dear ahma commented that my face was very roughish and got all worried. so she insisted on rubbing some baby lotion on my face. and i let her, i mean, baby lotion is good what. let her rub lor. yeah, then it kind-of stung.
i let it go.
i mean, when i got sunburnt i also put the lotion what, and it also stung. in the end all was well!yeah, i forgot what happened the day after -.-"
my face was freakin RED okay! and it looked like i had rashes. and i had to go for nag so my face was funnyish red. i bet the people bowling near me were wondering why i was so blush-ish. haha. anyway, that's about it for baby lotion . NOT MEANT FOR THE FACE DARLINGS. NOT MEANT FOR THE FACE.
NEXT TOPIC: weird people
i)american blacks
okay lah, if you think this is gonna be racist then you're wrong. haha. i was just gonna say that. SOME WEIRD PEOPLE BOWLING NEXT TO ME THAT DAY, when i was bowling for fun at kimseng, JUST DUMPED MY PINK POLYESTER BALL ON THE RACK LAH !
isn't it KIND-OF obvious my bowling ball isn't a house ball?! it's so shimmery and shiny and pretty (like me!) but yeah, that's it. -.-
i didn't even realise that it was gone. until i wanted to spare my shot then i was like. WHERE'S MY BALL! i looked everywhere and the people were like. just staring at me.
definition of a stalker: Someone who prowls or sneaks about; usually with unlawful intentions.
i think it just means FOLLOWING PEOPLE ABOUT. EEYER.
stalkers are losers ;D
end of post (:
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
me and my signo
make that plural. signoS.
let me laugh (HAHA) and tell you about my cruel fate with 0.38 signo pens. BLACK ones in particular!
i just love spinning pens, and i'm not exactly wonderful at it. but i still do it. AND I KEEP DROPPING MY DEAR DEAR 0.38 BLACK SIGNOS! am i pro or am i pro? (:
to this day i have dropped just about a million signos and still counting! because i never learn my lesson and just keep buying new ones. i have a feeling the uni-ball company is stalking me and making sure i drop my pens. i bet i'm their most loyal customer. GEEZ LAH . i can drop my dear dear pilotball pen a million and one times and they still work well for me! =/ dammit. i have GOT to stop spinning my pens... *picks up a 0.38 signo and spins it*
*drops it*
haha! my pink signo is working just fine! (curse them black signos!)
okay, i won't complain about my stupid STUPID signos anymore. though i love writing with them... it's just that they don't love me ! BUT NEVERMIND. i forgive them...
now to nag and nag and nag.
first day i did quite nicely. 3games, avg 126.3.
second day i totally screwed it up and pulled down the avg to 117.7.
today was doubles event i embarrassed zhiwen! SORRY!
tomorrow's the team event. i pray pray pray i don't pull down the team. x(
must stay optimistic! :D
i need to get working on my "with great pleasure" and math pt. ANYONE WANNA GO LIBRARY WIMME?
let me laugh (HAHA) and tell you about my cruel fate with 0.38 signo pens. BLACK ones in particular!
i just love spinning pens, and i'm not exactly wonderful at it. but i still do it. AND I KEEP DROPPING MY DEAR DEAR 0.38 BLACK SIGNOS! am i pro or am i pro? (:
to this day i have dropped just about a million signos and still counting! because i never learn my lesson and just keep buying new ones. i have a feeling the uni-ball company is stalking me and making sure i drop my pens. i bet i'm their most loyal customer. GEEZ LAH . i can drop my dear dear pilot
*drops it*
haha! my pink signo is working just fine! (curse them black signos!)
okay, i won't complain about my stupid STUPID signos anymore. though i love writing with them... it's just that they don't love me ! BUT NEVERMIND. i forgive them...
now to nag and nag and nag.
first day i did quite nicely. 3games, avg 126.3.
second day i totally screwed it up and pulled down the avg to 117.7.
today was doubles event i embarrassed zhiwen! SORRY!
tomorrow's the team event. i pray pray pray i don't pull down the team. x(
must stay optimistic! :D
i need to get working on my "with great pleasure" and math pt. ANYONE WANNA GO LIBRARY WIMME?
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Spongebob Squarepants is really original ! x)
all the other cartoons that i know of are really cliche. like they're mostly about high school and crushes and maybe the occasional superpower and secret identity. i love spongebob squarepants because it's SO FUNNY and CUTE and CHILDISH.
let's see, one of the episodes is IDIOT BOX, which i am watching now! :D patrick and spongebob get a BIG SCREEN TELEVISION for it's BOX. they then throw away the television and use the box to play make-believe! because "with imagination, we can do anything!" -spongebob squarepants
squidward takes the TV but hear's really funny REALISTIC SOUNDS coming from the box! so he's frustrated and all the tv shows are box-related xD SO FUNNYYYYY. in the end he went into the box with them and spongebob&patrick were like. "beep beep beep. beep" x) robot-pirate island.
squidward ends up "driving" the box to a dumpster. the end. :D
i can name a few shows that have are cliche. totally spies, kim possible, trollz, winx club, zoey 101, unfabulous etc. i still like to watch some of them la. but very predictable x)
speaking of videos.
-calms down-
okay back to real life. haha. i did okay for myas. (: thank GOD! yaknow i was praying super hard that i'd pass my english cuz they said like, a lot of people failed and i got 20/40 ! in the end they accepted on of my answers, so i got 21/40 now! :D
all the other subs i think i did okay hehe. ahhhh . french i dunno though,
everyone's quitting!
in the recent rbd play OUR CLASS ROCKED. WE GOT 3RD. we totally deserved it! thanks karen (: can go ELAINE's blog for RBD pictures!
hahahaha. got so much more to say x)
yesterday DEARDEARNICOLE came over to my house and she helped me with my aesthetics drawing! she rocks at acrylics! POORPOORNICOLE also got lost on her way here and took 2 hours to arrive in the end ):
heh . today was a fun fun day! we're gonna have a POETRY LUNCH on thurs!!! YAY. i like the lunch part. we shall sip english tea with our pinkies sticking out and discuss poetry.
OHYAH. still got the new SL nominees.
- karen
- elaine
- carey
- poonam
i don't want anyone in our class to be SLs! not that i dislike these SLs but then it'd be easier to break rules without people watching you! :D hehe. i'm glad gloria's not gonna be an SL anymore too! BUT NOT CUZ I DON'T THINK YOU'RE A GOOD SL, DARLING. you're just TOO GOOD. i don't want my close friends to be TOO GOOD. ;D
okay lah . must end this ridiculously long post (:
FINIS (temporary end to a performance xD )
Spongebob Squarepants is really original ! x)
all the other cartoons that i know of are really cliche. like they're mostly about high school and crushes and maybe the occasional superpower and secret identity. i love spongebob squarepants because it's SO FUNNY and CUTE and CHILDISH.
let's see, one of the episodes is IDIOT BOX, which i am watching now! :D patrick and spongebob get a BIG SCREEN TELEVISION for it's BOX. they then throw away the television and use the box to play make-believe! because "with imagination, we can do anything!" -spongebob squarepants
squidward takes the TV but hear's really funny REALISTIC SOUNDS coming from the box! so he's frustrated and all the tv shows are box-related xD SO FUNNYYYYY. in the end he went into the box with them and spongebob&patrick were like. "beep beep beep. beep" x) robot-pirate island.
squidward ends up "driving" the box to a dumpster. the end. :D
i can name a few shows that have are cliche. totally spies, kim possible, trollz, winx club, zoey 101, unfabulous etc. i still like to watch some of them la. but very predictable x)
speaking of videos.
-calms down-
okay back to real life. haha. i did okay for myas. (: thank GOD! yaknow i was praying super hard that i'd pass my english cuz they said like, a lot of people failed and i got 20/40 ! in the end they accepted on of my answers, so i got 21/40 now! :D
all the other subs i think i did okay hehe. ahhhh . french i dunno though,
everyone's quitting!
in the recent rbd play OUR CLASS ROCKED. WE GOT 3RD. we totally deserved it! thanks karen (: can go ELAINE's blog for RBD pictures!
hahahaha. got so much more to say x)
yesterday DEARDEARNICOLE came over to my house and she helped me with my aesthetics drawing! she rocks at acrylics! POORPOORNICOLE also got lost on her way here and took 2 hours to arrive in the end ):
heh . today was a fun fun day! we're gonna have a POETRY LUNCH on thurs!!! YAY. i like the lunch part. we shall sip english tea with our pinkies sticking out and discuss poetry.
OHYAH. still got the new SL nominees.
- karen
- elaine
- carey
- poonam
i don't want anyone in our class to be SLs! not that i dislike these SLs but then it'd be easier to break rules without people watching you! :D hehe. i'm glad gloria's not gonna be an SL anymore too! BUT NOT CUZ I DON'T THINK YOU'RE A GOOD SL, DARLING. you're just TOO GOOD. i don't want my close friends to be TOO GOOD. ;D
okay lah . must end this ridiculously long post (:
FINIS (temporary end to a performance xD )
Friday, May 4, 2007
I made mummy worry
HAHA. mummy thinks i'm becoming a nerrrrrd that can't dress nicely and she's worried! LOL. she's worried about me become hunchbacked (i'm kinda worried about that too) and she's worried about my dress sense. APPARENTLY I HAVE NONE! hahaha. so funny, she's the funniest mom everrrrrrr. okay that's so random.
today we had our english paper one and history mya :D i think i did sucky for english but passable hehe. and i think i did preeeeety okay for history :D all that mugging didn't go down the drain ! I FINISHED THE HISTORY PAPER WITH TIME TO USE THE STRING TO MAKE FRIENDSHIP BANDS. lol!
ahhh . i'm mugging geog soon , after tuition . or maybe tomorrow when shanxi comes over haha. or maybe gloria will come tonight and I can study sooner ! :D haha. studying is kinda fun actually. with the right people. the right atmosphere. WAIT. maybe that isn't studying -.-" HAHA. (why are there so many ants on my table...)
AH . shanxi just told me she isn't coming today but TOMORROW MORNING . we can study all day then, hahaha. dunno if gloria is still up for coming over tonight. HMMMM.
today we had our english paper one and history mya :D i think i did sucky for english but passable hehe. and i think i did preeeeety okay for history :D all that mugging didn't go down the drain ! I FINISHED THE HISTORY PAPER WITH TIME TO USE THE STRING TO MAKE FRIENDSHIP BANDS. lol!
ahhh . i'm mugging geog soon , after tuition . or maybe tomorrow when shanxi comes over haha. or maybe gloria will come tonight and I can study sooner ! :D haha. studying is kinda fun actually. with the right people. the right atmosphere. WAIT. maybe that isn't studying -.-" HAHA. (why are there so many ants on my table...)
AH . shanxi just told me she isn't coming today but TOMORROW MORNING . we can study all day then, hahaha. dunno if gloria is still up for coming over tonight. HMMMM.
I made mummy worry
HAHA. mummy thinks i'm becoming a nerrrrrd that can't dress nicely and she's worried! LOL. she's worried about me become hunchbacked (i'm kinda worried about that too) and she's worried about my dress sense. APPARENTLY I HAVE NONE! hahaha. so funny, she's the funniest mom everrrrrrr. okay that's so random.
today we had our english paper one and history mya :D i think i did sucky for english but passable hehe. and i think i did preeeeety okay for history :D all that mugging didn't go down the drain ! I FINISHED THE HISTORY PAPER WITH TIME TO USE THE STRING TO MAKE FRIENDSHIP BANDS. lol!
ahhh . i'm mugging geog soon , after tuition . or maybe tomorrow when shanxi comes over haha. or maybe gloria will come tonight and I can study sooner ! :D haha. studying is kinda fun actually. with the right people. the right atmosphere. WAIT. maybe that isn't studying -.-" HAHA. (why are there so many ants on my table...)
AH . shanxi just told me she isn't coming today but TOMORROW MORNING . we can study all day then, hahaha. dunno if gloria is still up for coming over tonight. HMMMM.
today we had our english paper one and history mya :D i think i did sucky for english but passable hehe. and i think i did preeeeety okay for history :D all that mugging didn't go down the drain ! I FINISHED THE HISTORY PAPER WITH TIME TO USE THE STRING TO MAKE FRIENDSHIP BANDS. lol!
ahhh . i'm mugging geog soon , after tuition . or maybe tomorrow when shanxi comes over haha. or maybe gloria will come tonight and I can study sooner ! :D haha. studying is kinda fun actually. with the right people. the right atmosphere. WAIT. maybe that isn't studying -.-" HAHA. (why are there so many ants on my table...)
AH . shanxi just told me she isn't coming today but TOMORROW MORNING . we can study all day then, hahaha. dunno if gloria is still up for coming over tonight. HMMMM.
Monday, April 30, 2007
ah. i'm a horrible, horrible procrastinator!
yesterday i really really really tried very hard to study for my history and complete my homework but i failed miserably la. this morning still must wake up early for the meeting at the pavilion . supposed to be at 7 but in the end started at 7++ . DURING WHICH I COULD HAVE BEEN COMPLETING MY HOMEWORK . hehe.
anyway, MYAs are coming and i am so screwed because i don't get a single thing about history, i have no confidence in lit and my math is obviously screwed la. -.-, seriously, when have i had math as my best subject. oh i know ! in primary 4, when i topped the class with a 96/100 :D hahaha. like really ah, EVEN MY FRENCH WAS BETTER THAN MATH LA. and i didn't score too well for french either -_-"
I came to school this morning preeetty early right? haha. so i saw gloria at the tracks. haha:) and i shouted hey gloria! so we walked to j block together!
gloria: i'm so proud of myself i did ALL my work AND i studied for history ! *beams*
me: did you do math assignment two?
gloria: no.
LOL. i proceeded to ask her to let me copy her chinese comprehension cuz i haven't completed :D
me: lemme copy your chinese compre okay?
gloria: okay, but i anyhow do one ah.
me: like duh, this is you we're talking about.
gloria: fine. i'm not going to let you copy!
me: FINE! i'll ask carey.
and then carey walks in -.- like SERIOUSLY. it was so funny.
gloria + me: SPEAK OF THE DEVIL!
today, was quite a slack day :D
we had tingxie in the morning which i didn't study for(as usual) and then recess. then we got nicenice food for physics cuz nice miss er allows us to eat in class heh. did kinematics today. i get 50% of what she's saying most of the time. then we had lit which i quite enjoy because there's not much work to be done and i already completed my homework HAHA. so fun right. then we had MATH. which i wasted away doodling nice christian song lyrics. hee, :) WHICH I WILL POST UP LATER IF GLORIA DECIDES TO SCAN IT IN :D
wow. i wonder what made me want to blog so much.
today at bowling we know our teams for the NAG already. NAG as in National Age Groups not nag as in the verb. haha. I'M IN THE SAME TEAM AS ZHIWEN AND LYNN AND RUOXI YAY. and i'm doubling with ZHIWEN! (cheers)
so cool, me and kayal and jan turkeyed with one strike from each of us. don't know if you can count it as a turkey BUT IT IS A TURKEY BECAUSE I SAY SO.
yesterday i really really really tried very hard to study for my history and complete my homework but i failed miserably la. this morning still must wake up early for the meeting at the pavilion . supposed to be at 7 but in the end started at 7++ . DURING WHICH I COULD HAVE BEEN COMPLETING MY HOMEWORK . hehe.
anyway, MYAs are coming and i am so screwed because i don't get a single thing about history, i have no confidence in lit and my math is obviously screwed la. -.-, seriously, when have i had math as my best subject. oh i know ! in primary 4, when i topped the class with a 96/100 :D hahaha. like really ah, EVEN MY FRENCH WAS BETTER THAN MATH LA. and i didn't score too well for french either -_-"
I came to school this morning preeetty early right? haha. so i saw gloria at the tracks. haha:) and i shouted hey gloria! so we walked to j block together!
gloria: i'm so proud of myself i did ALL my work AND i studied for history ! *beams*
me: did you do math assignment two?
gloria: no.
LOL. i proceeded to ask her to let me copy her chinese comprehension cuz i haven't completed :D
me: lemme copy your chinese compre okay?
gloria: okay, but i anyhow do one ah.
me: like duh, this is you we're talking about.
gloria: fine. i'm not going to let you copy!
me: FINE! i'll ask carey.
and then carey walks in -.- like SERIOUSLY. it was so funny.
gloria + me: SPEAK OF THE DEVIL!
today, was quite a slack day :D
we had tingxie in the morning which i didn't study for(as usual) and then recess. then we got nicenice food for physics cuz nice miss er allows us to eat in class heh. did kinematics today. i get 50% of what she's saying most of the time. then we had lit which i quite enjoy because there's not much work to be done and i already completed my homework HAHA. so fun right. then we had MATH. which i wasted away doodling nice christian song lyrics. hee, :) WHICH I WILL POST UP LATER IF GLORIA DECIDES TO SCAN IT IN :D
wow. i wonder what made me want to blog so much.
today at bowling we know our teams for the NAG already. NAG as in National Age Groups not nag as in the verb. haha. I'M IN THE SAME TEAM AS ZHIWEN AND LYNN AND RUOXI YAY. and i'm doubling with ZHIWEN! (cheers)
so cool, me and kayal and jan turkeyed with one strike from each of us. don't know if you can count it as a turkey BUT IT IS A TURKEY BECAUSE I SAY SO.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
I suppose you guys wanna know how I got this name. I KNOW YOU DO, secretly!(deeeep in your heart. cuz you all love me so)
anyway. my msn nick used to be iamJODY. and i figured that wasn't catchy enough, so. I BECAME JODYTHEGREAT. fullstop. end of story.
Then of course, my egoness came to be and i drove people MADDD. but they still love me. REALLY. haha, i'm not lying la. REALLYYYY. i bring joy to the people all around me and all over the world. in 105, in bowling, in rgs, in serangoon gardens, in serangoon. come to think of it. I BRING JOY TO SINGAPORE. as well as southeast asia, AND AND ASIA! you know what. i figure i rock the whole world. and the universe.
i shall stop my egoism la. today was a good day. napfa is tomorrow. i'm gonna die. it's okay because i'll die loved. HAHA
anyway. my msn nick used to be iamJODY. and i figured that wasn't catchy enough, so. I BECAME JODYTHEGREAT. fullstop. end of story.
Then of course, my egoness came to be and i drove people MADDD. but they still love me. REALLY. haha, i'm not lying la. REALLYYYY. i bring joy to the people all around me and all over the world. in 105, in bowling, in rgs, in serangoon gardens, in serangoon. come to think of it. I BRING JOY TO SINGAPORE. as well as southeast asia, AND AND ASIA! you know what. i figure i rock the whole world. and the universe.
i shall stop my egoism la. today was a good day. napfa is tomorrow. i'm gonna die. it's okay because i'll die loved. HAHA
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
God is good,
I'm not doing enough for my spiritual life and I know it. I started reading this booklet I realise i had since february. only today. and it's great. :D
I shall quote my commitment!
Ah, I <3 God. :)
As for school today, I think it was pretty cool. a nice short day, just the way I like it. Gloria booked Najwa for eating in the library. Najwa! you're kinda dumb. you were only one person away from gloria leh! nevermind. no hard feelings i reckon. I love my friends. (:
It was pretty funny. I saw like, a lot of bowling people in school today. First I saw abigail in her PE attire when I was walking back to class from the library, then I passed by vivian's class and saw her. and then after school I saw desiree when I was looking for the Staffroom @ Queens with natalie. then i saw pristine running up the stairs when I was going to the foyer. Then I saw cheryl saw on her phone in the foyer. she didn't see me though. haha. then I saw rachel ang, charlotte and krystal. and then i saw kai yin when i was chasing natalie who was walking out of school. i think i saw kayal in the morning too. o_o funny. hahaha,
ehm . I think i'm kinda screwed for geography. it's difficult yaknow!
oh, i don't know what came over me today and I went on a spreee, though i didn't buy much . I bought a notebook and 2 pens HAHA. i felt like going on a spree though.
when i came home i reallly felt like doing a split. so i went to shower and wore track pants and a top and i failed miserably at doing a split. HAHA. argh,
what am i rambling on about anyway, i'll post some other time. -.-
I shall quote my commitment!
" May we learn to be silent and be awed by the Lord's incomprehensible grace and presence in moments when we try to live annd lean on ourselves, rather than to trust his provisions. "
Ah, I <3 God. :)
As for school today, I think it was pretty cool. a nice short day, just the way I like it. Gloria booked Najwa for eating in the library. Najwa! you're kinda dumb. you were only one person away from gloria leh! nevermind. no hard feelings i reckon. I love my friends. (:
It was pretty funny. I saw like, a lot of bowling people in school today. First I saw abigail in her PE attire when I was walking back to class from the library, then I passed by vivian's class and saw her. and then after school I saw desiree when I was looking for the Staffroom @ Queens with natalie. then i saw pristine running up the stairs when I was going to the foyer. Then I saw cheryl saw on her phone in the foyer. she didn't see me though. haha. then I saw rachel ang, charlotte and krystal. and then i saw kai yin when i was chasing natalie who was walking out of school. i think i saw kayal in the morning too. o_o funny. hahaha,
ehm . I think i'm kinda screwed for geography. it's difficult yaknow!
oh, i don't know what came over me today and I went on a spreee, though i didn't buy much . I bought a notebook and 2 pens HAHA. i felt like going on a spree though.
when i came home i reallly felt like doing a split. so i went to shower and wore track pants and a top and i failed miserably at doing a split. HAHA. argh,
what am i rambling on about anyway, i'll post some other time. -.-
Sunday, April 1, 2007
I wonder...
Eh, sometimes I wonder if I'm anorexic.
like, sometimes i just have no appetite and don't feel like eating! but i don't think so. because according to wikipedia, anorexia is a "psychiatric diagnosis that describes an eating disorder characterized by low body weight and body image distortion with an obsessive fear of gaining weight" .
I only fit the description of low body weight. I kind of am not distorted when i look at myself in the mirror and i swear i want to get fat. yes i do. hahaha.
anyway. i just figured i should post because it's been very long since i posted! yepp.
anyway (again), let me begin by telling you about my blurness while bowling. i think a few weeks back. i forgot to change into my bowling shoes before bowling. =.=" that was preeeetty embarrassing. then yesterday right, i placed the stupid cloth before the foul line and just walked happily back. and then i screwed my 5step timing twice and almost flew into the lane once. -.-"
BUT! zhiwen DID fly into the lane twice! heh.
so blur. aiyo, i went out to watch mr bean's holiday today! MR BEAN IS SUCH A RETARD! but it's super hilarious la.
oh oh oh. and there's this poem that miss santhi showed us in class. quite cool. xD
Listen white man,
When I was born…………………I was black.
When I grow up…………………..I'm black.
When I'm ill…………………………I'm black.
When I go out in the sun……I'm black.
When I'm cold…………………….I'm black.
When I die…………………………..I'm black.
But you,
When you're born…………………You're pink,
When you grow up……………….You're white.
When you're ill………………………You're green.
When you go out in the sun…You go red.
When you're cold…………………..You go blue.
When you die…………………………You're purple.
And you have the nerve to call me coloured?
haha, post more next time la. GO BDIV! :D
like, sometimes i just have no appetite and don't feel like eating! but i don't think so. because according to wikipedia, anorexia is a "psychiatric diagnosis that describes an eating disorder characterized by low body weight and body image distortion with an obsessive fear of gaining weight" .
I only fit the description of low body weight. I kind of am not distorted when i look at myself in the mirror and i swear i want to get fat. yes i do. hahaha.
anyway. i just figured i should post because it's been very long since i posted! yepp.
anyway (again), let me begin by telling you about my blurness while bowling. i think a few weeks back. i forgot to change into my bowling shoes before bowling. =.=" that was preeeetty embarrassing. then yesterday right, i placed the stupid cloth before the foul line and just walked happily back. and then i screwed my 5step timing twice and almost flew into the lane once. -.-"
BUT! zhiwen DID fly into the lane twice! heh.
so blur. aiyo, i went out to watch mr bean's holiday today! MR BEAN IS SUCH A RETARD! but it's super hilarious la.
oh oh oh. and there's this poem that miss santhi showed us in class. quite cool. xD
Listen white man,
When I was born…………………I was black.
When I grow up…………………..I'm black.
When I'm ill…………………………I'm black.
When I go out in the sun……I'm black.
When I'm cold…………………….I'm black.
When I die…………………………..I'm black.
But you,
When you're born…………………You're pink,
When you grow up……………….You're white.
When you're ill………………………You're green.
When you go out in the sun…You go red.
When you're cold…………………..You go blue.
When you die…………………………You're purple.
And you have the nerve to call me coloured?
haha, post more next time la. GO BDIV! :D
Friday, March 9, 2007
Hehee. The holidays are here!
The person using my pics have finally removed the pictures. But I seriously dunno who you are. LOL. nevermind. I'm kinda happy =D
I've had so many many good newsies. hehe. I GOT FULL MARKS FOR MY GEOG SA1. super duper happy happy! hehe. never expected it haha. did my history exam yesterday, reckon i can pass...
today i woke up super early. okay maybe i'm exaggerating. i woke up at 5.45am. instead of the usual 6am. :D am I pro or what? anyhoooots. i reached school at 6.40am, normally i'd WAKE UP at that time. HOhoHO, i'm so happy. lol. there were only four people in class at that time. so cool . =D normally i'm always almost-late. x.x but i never am late ^^
erm. went for bowling meeting at pavilion at 7am to talk about stuff. then had lessons and sch ended early at 12.40pm cuz of SWIM CARN. hehe. shanxi, natalie, adalie, gloria and I took a bus to FAR EAST PLAZA to eat. actually, shanxi, gloria and I took the bus. natalie and adalie din manage to squish on the bus so they walked -.-"
In the end FAR EAST PLAZA was sooooo crowded we took another bus to plaza singapura to eat kfc. hehe. then we were almost late for the swim carn! 9 mrt stops to yio chu kang leh, we only had 20 minutes to get there -.-" but super funny la. the mrt was like collecting rgs pupils along the way to yio chu kang. super duper funny. in the end right, we got there late but there were sooooo many people. we squished our way through. aka cut queue. and managed to get in the place in time =D or before half the school anyway :D even quek xin er (head prefect) and the discipline head were later than us hehee. cheeky me. LOL.
blah. write more next time.
The person using my pics have finally removed the pictures. But I seriously dunno who you are. LOL. nevermind. I'm kinda happy =D
I've had so many many good newsies. hehe. I GOT FULL MARKS FOR MY GEOG SA1. super duper happy happy! hehe. never expected it haha. did my history exam yesterday, reckon i can pass...
today i woke up super early. okay maybe i'm exaggerating. i woke up at 5.45am. instead of the usual 6am. :D am I pro or what? anyhoooots. i reached school at 6.40am, normally i'd WAKE UP at that time. HOhoHO, i'm so happy. lol. there were only four people in class at that time. so cool . =D normally i'm always almost-late. x.x but i never am late ^^
erm. went for bowling meeting at pavilion at 7am to talk about stuff. then had lessons and sch ended early at 12.40pm cuz of SWIM CARN. hehe. shanxi, natalie, adalie, gloria and I took a bus to FAR EAST PLAZA to eat. actually, shanxi, gloria and I took the bus. natalie and adalie din manage to squish on the bus so they walked -.-"
In the end FAR EAST PLAZA was sooooo crowded we took another bus to plaza singapura to eat kfc. hehe. then we were almost late for the swim carn! 9 mrt stops to yio chu kang leh, we only had 20 minutes to get there -.-" but super funny la. the mrt was like collecting rgs pupils along the way to yio chu kang. super duper funny. in the end right, we got there late but there were sooooo many people. we squished our way through. aka cut queue. and managed to get in the place in time =D or before half the school anyway :D even quek xin er (head prefect) and the discipline head were later than us hehee. cheeky me. LOL.
blah. write more next time.
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Today, my cousin asked me about how to create a blog and stuff. I'm not as pro as karen to make my own skins so I told him to go to look for the skin he wants and I'll help him from there. somehow, he found this profile with MY PICTURES in it. as in, the profile pictures.
So, I'm just really disturbed cuz the person doing that signed up in Feb 28 this year and he/she ripped blogskins and received some pretty bad comments. and there's my pictures there so they'd think I'm the idiot who does all that. The pictures are on my blog so any random person could have access to it,
It's a pretty anonymous profile. I'm a pretty drama-mama person so I actually wrote an email to the website people but I doubt they'll get back to me. So erm, IN CASE anyone who's reading this entry did that right, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take down the pictures. If your goal is to make me upset, you sure succeeded.
honestly, if you dislike me that much right. keep it to yourself, wanna insult me do it behind my back la. it's less hurtful that way. you actually described me as pretty, act cute, nerdy. seriously.
So, I'm just really disturbed cuz the person doing that signed up in Feb 28 this year and he/she ripped blogskins and received some pretty bad comments. and there's my pictures there so they'd think I'm the idiot who does all that. The pictures are on my blog so any random person could have access to it,
It's a pretty anonymous profile. I'm a pretty drama-mama person so I actually wrote an email to the website people but I doubt they'll get back to me. So erm, IN CASE anyone who's reading this entry did that right, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take down the pictures. If your goal is to make me upset, you sure succeeded.
honestly, if you dislike me that much right. keep it to yourself, wanna insult me do it behind my back la. it's less hurtful that way. you actually described me as pretty, act cute, nerdy. seriously.
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Just being lame. =D

HAHA! it's so cute!!! =X
I made that during computer studies lesson. LOL! and I have another not-animated picture that says "my friends. my family." and it looks weird. but I kinda like it. HAHA! =D

eek. i dunno what they did last week while I was home sleeping the week away... i'm such a pig. =D *is it supposed to be insulting? cuz I seriously don't feel insulted. lol. nothing to say. just felt like uploading those pics..
Sunday, February 4, 2007
Replying to tags:
thanks. hehe. i think she's pretty too XD. oh I tried searching for your blog.. DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY BLOGS ARE SHOWN WHEN I SEARCHED "RUIXIN" ?? anyway, I didn't find the blog =D
to gin
who's "the flash"?
to <3chuan>
erm . not much to write. i feel like a pig. sleep so much.. haha, (but tired leh, what to do? -Gideon actually replied 'pig leh, what to do' when I told him that -.-)
okay la. bye. hehe
thanks. hehe. i think she's pretty too XD. oh I tried searching for your blog.. DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY BLOGS ARE SHOWN WHEN I SEARCHED "RUIXIN" ?? anyway, I didn't find the blog =D
to gin
who's "the flash"?
to <3chuan>
WENQI. SORRY AH! DIDN'T MEET YOU IN SHANGHAI(MAPLE) =( meet you some other time okay? =x
erm . not much to write. i feel like a pig. sleep so much.. haha, (but tired leh, what to do? -Gideon actually replied 'pig leh, what to do' when I told him that -.-)
okay la. bye. hehe
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
There are actually people who constantly update their blog. I'm impressed. haha.
I'm actually posting this post during school hours lol. before computer studies class starts.. The teacher doesn't really care, I bet. I mean, she uses MSN while teaching us! haha! so slack ah? funny funny.
So.. what do I write? I used to be able to write millions and millions of words nonstop. Now, I can't even think of what I should say. =.="
Everyone's blogging now so I guess I'm just doing what they're doing. Otherwise, I wouldn't even touch this blog for the next 10 months hehe..
There's FRENCH later.
I wonder what we'll learn.. the teacher (Madame Teo) moves so damn fast I just don't get what she's saying sometimes. Irritating, really.
Squash tryouts yesterday. It went quite okay.. but results aren't out yet, dammit. -.-" I want the results !~!
I'm just throwing random bits of information here and there. stupid, really.. -.-"
lessons are starting I think .. Everyone's here. =D
p.s: I don't know what I'm saying half the time so don't blame me if I sound totally retarded.
I'm actually posting this post during school hours lol. before computer studies class starts.. The teacher doesn't really care, I bet. I mean, she uses MSN while teaching us! haha! so slack ah? funny funny.
So.. what do I write? I used to be able to write millions and millions of words nonstop. Now, I can't even think of what I should say. =.="
Everyone's blogging now so I guess I'm just doing what they're doing. Otherwise, I wouldn't even touch this blog for the next 10 months hehe..
There's FRENCH later.
I wonder what we'll learn.. the teacher (Madame Teo) moves so damn fast I just don't get what she's saying sometimes. Irritating, really.
Squash tryouts yesterday. It went quite okay.. but results aren't out yet, dammit. -.-" I want the results !~!
I'm just throwing random bits of information here and there. stupid, really.. -.-"
lessons are starting I think .. Everyone's here. =D
p.s: I don't know what I'm saying half the time so don't blame me if I sound totally retarded.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Oh, it's been so long since I posted...
School's started for 3 weeks and there's been so much going on!Like I've found good friends, not so good friends, and a few people I don't exactly like.
I miss CCPS, I miss my friends, I miss being silly, I miss not worrying about being booked. I miss being a primary school girl. I miss Mrs Lee, I miss Mdm Beh =(
Okay, enough with this . SADNESS ! (moving on to happy stuff...)
I made FRIENDS ! =D 105 rocks, hehee. we're a happy class. The classroom is one of the most, erm, interesting in the school I reckon. It has broken door handles and falling fans =D hahaa..
I got into the GUITAR ENSEMBLE ! =D with absolutely no experience! lol ~
School's started for 3 weeks and there's been so much going on!Like I've found good friends, not so good friends, and a few people I don't exactly like.
I miss CCPS, I miss my friends, I miss being silly, I miss not worrying about being booked. I miss being a primary school girl. I miss Mrs Lee, I miss Mdm Beh =(
Okay, enough with this . SADNESS ! (moving on to happy stuff...)
I made FRIENDS ! =D 105 rocks, hehee. we're a happy class. The classroom is one of the most, erm, interesting in the school I reckon. It has broken door handles and falling fans =D hahaa..
I got into the GUITAR ENSEMBLE ! =D with absolutely no experience! lol ~
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