PSLE IS OVER! CELEBRATE!Good News: I did well for all my subjects...
- except for science.
Bad News : I screwed up my science. 15 min + 10 questions [?] how much worse can you screw something up?! Thank God I finished it in time... handwriting was illegible though... =x
Good News: My science paper scared me so badly I did well for my higher chinese!
Anway .. forget about that. It's
OVER. Damn, it really feels good to say that. It's
OVER... I'd spend my day repeating that two word sentence but I NEED to blog! yay!...
Children's Day Celebration 2006, 29 September 2006
Okay, so on this beautiful day, we dressed up and came as glamorous superstars to celebrate the wonderful life of being a kid. I love being a kid... =D

This is my absolute favourite-est photo! =) We're all pretty and Nicole is pink! hahaa...

Sabrina Kirk and Me =D
Claudia and ME. =x ( no idea why my font is wacky ... )
(left to right) Claudia Wong, Sabrina Kirk, Jody Hong
Left to Right: Sabrina, Joanne, Claudia, Me, Chermaine, Nicole
Sitting: Audrey!Inside Joke:
FHM ah?
Miami Vice =)
I'm sixteen. or eighteen. =x I actually watched an NC16 movie in the cinema uncaught.. they thought clarinda (17) was younger than me and checked her ID instead of mine. Damn funny la!
Stupid Cinema Person: hey, can I check your ID?
Clarinda: *shows Ngee Ann Poly card*
Stupid Cinema Person: I want to see your ID
Clarinda: I am in NGEE ANN POLY! see?
Stupid Cinema Person: oh okay. go in.
Visiting Cousin...
May came for a visit twice in two months for some doctor visit. We spent some time joking around... she was a lot of fun =) photo!
She'll be visiting again later this month... We're going to the Night Safari, my first visit hee!
Dedicate an entire day to sleeping
Dedicate an entire day to reading
Go to escape theme park
Go to wild wild wet
Have a sleepover (chalet counted (: )
Gon on a shopping SPREE
Write at least one composition
Watch a few movies
RENT movies and watch them at home with my mates... +popcorn & snacks!
Learn secondary one algebra ( my maths is bad... )
Dress freakin fabulously for FUN
Learn the guitar, maybe ?
Stay positive when I collect my PSLE results
Go collect zhuzhu's N-level results with him
Yay! I blogged. =)